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Super prize to be won! Read on.

On a recent smartphone photography workshop held at the Château de Vullierens, given by Elisabeth Fransdonk from EMO-Photo, we met up with a new entrepreneur, Maxime Eymin. We are very enthusiastic about his high-quality lenses for portable phones, branded SMART EVASION, that we wanted to share it with our readers. As a thank you for this article, Maxime has kindly offered a super prize: a phone case and lens pack - a Fr. 108.- to Fr. 128.- value!

Maxime, what is your photographic specialty?

I specialize in landscape photography. I love nature. This is also why I love so much Switzerland. I travelled quite a lot and saw so many other amazing places.

Our planet is just amazing! But it unfortunately suffers a lot because of human kind. Our goal is also to positively impact our environment. This is the reason why we want to offer quality and durable products. We don’t want products people won’t use or that they will throw away each time they change mobile phone. We are also careful to our footprint when importing our products. We limit the usage of plastic to the maximum. We haven’t chosen yet the association we will be supporting but it is important for us to give back some of our benefits to associations who are working at protecting our planet. Our products destinated to EU countries are shipped from Ensovo warehouse, based in north of France. We decided to be working with them because they help young entrepreneurs to start their own business, and they also employ people in reinsertion into the workforce. Their company has a positive social impact. We are happy to contribute to their vision and mission by choosing them as our partner.



What was the inspiration to start this venture?

I have two passions: travel and photography. I took a year off, travelling to South America in order to explore and take photos of the amazing landscapes. I met many people taking photos with their smartphones. More and more people take advantage of the portability and simplicity of those devices to take photos. But they lack the quality, flexibility, and creativity of a DSLR-camera. I therefore quit my job in order to fill this gap and offer the best of both worlds.

How has your background helped you start this venture?

I studied many things, going from technical to business schools. I started working in project management, moved to supply chain, and then to marketing. I love learning new things and have many fields of interest. All those experiences have helped me understand how a company runs, and get enough knowledge in those different fields in order to do something on my own.

Was starting this company alone too difficult to overcome?

The biggest challenge to me was starting alone. I spent 10 years as an employee in a multinational company with many colleagues, each of them with their own specialty. I realized that I couldn't find the answers on my own so I moved to The Work Hub, a co-working space based in Vevey. This opportunity was amazing and full of intelligent people: Melanie, the co-working owner, who created several companies; Liliane, from Declic Marketing who helped me find the right direction regarding my marketing and communication strategy; Christophe from Nine June, who designs his own backpacks. And many other entrepreneurs whom I regard as my new “colleagues”! I also participated in Elisabeth's smartphone photography workshop, who has since become my ambassador!

I was also mentored by PassionZ Entrepreneurs, an association to help entrepreneurs start their own businesses and live the life of their dreams. There I learned about the entrepreneur's mindset, time management, and how to start my business as well. It gave me the opportunity to meet other wonderful entrepreneurs that I see regularly. We discuss about our successes, problems, and help each other move forward.

It is also very important to get the right people around you, people with positive mindsets, who can understand what you are doing. I realize there will be ups and downs but surrounding yourself with like-minded people helps keep you grounded.


If you could only recommend one lens, which would it be?

I love both wide angle and macro lenses. They are also the ones people like the most. The wide angle is the most versatile one. It is used to get a wider field of view. It is therefore great for landscape photography, but also travel, buildings, architecture. The macro lense offers a completely different experience, as you are able to see things completely differently. You will be able to see all details about flowers, insects, textures. I also need to mention the two other lenses, which are amazing as well: the fish eye and the zoom. You can see the results in the photos above.

What makes your lenses different that those bought on the open market now?

You can find many smartphone lenses on the Internet. They are almost all the same: cheap, plastic, clip-ons. SMART EVASION lenses are more durable. They are made of optical glass and anodized aluminum. There are several layers of glass, like you can find on real DSLR/camera lenses. Our attachment system is also different. We propose phone cases with integrated thread. This allow to screw the lens directly on the phone case and have it automatically and easily placed and aligned with the smartphone lens. It is also strong and stable.

What has been the biggest change in technology in your opinion and will that affect the way people take photos?

Photography has evolved a lot over the last few years. Manufacturers are moving from DSLR to mirrorless cameras because it offers more portability. Phone manufacturers are putting more and more efforts into mobile photography as well. Smartphones now come with better camera sensors, and more and more phones are coming with several integrated lenses. With Artificial Intelligence, their image processing systems are doing wonderful job as well. Also many apps allowing to quickly post-process photos are available on both Apple and Android phones. No need any more to have a computer. We can very easily take photos, fine tune, and share them with one device only. Same with videos. Photography and videography have never been as accessible than now.


Different phone cases and the 4 different lenses are available to try out

competitionbutton1WOW! As a thank you for the article, Maxime has kindly offered a SMART EVASION case and lens (value: Fr. 108.- or Fr. 128.-) to one lucky knowitall.ch reader! To enter the competition just fill in this form and answer this: Are SMART EVASION lenses suitable for photography, videography, or both?

Only one entry per person and per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday, 18 September 2019. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner’s name drawn at random on Thursday, 19 September 2019. The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes. Delivery only within Switzerland for this competition.

You have to see it to believe it; test the lenses on your own phone! Come and discover SMART EVASION products by visiting the current sales locations:

  • Foto Video Zumstein Bern

  • Musée suisse de l’appareil photographique, Vevey

  • Nature & Découvertes: Geneva Center, Lausanne, Vevey

  • Photo Vision Lausanne

  • Photo Verdaine Geneva

  • Photo Riviera Vevey

  • Photo Vision Neuchâtel

Of course, you can also order via the website with shipping within Switzerland in 1-2 working days.


Rue Blanchoud 6
1800 Vevey
021 515 50 82 (weekdays 10h-17h)
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COMPETITION WINNER:  T i a n a   C o n c l a v e s