• Living in Nyon
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Lake Geneva poster
  • Coffee and Creations

rugby sunlight

The players of the Stade Lausanne Rugby Club in Switzerland have once again undressed for a noble cause!

For the 2019 edition of their calendar, Stade Lausanne Rugby Club have called on professional photographer Elisabeth Fransdonk, who already had the Calendarboys in 2008 in front of her lens.

In 2019, the Stade Lausanne Rugby Club (SLRC) will celebrate its 50th birthday. Like 10 years ago, the club called on Elisabeth to create a calendar that reflects the values that rugby holds dear; fraternity, courage, endurance with the "never give up" attitude, tradition, respect and honour.

We can add generosity to this list because the sales of the calendar will support two foundations:

  • The Swiss Recovery Center (SRC), founded by Yves Vionnet, which aims to provide adapted
    physical activity benefits for paralyzed people with spinal cord injury. 'Never give up' is a strong value
    shared by SLRC and the SRC https://www.swissrecoverycenter.ch
  • The Bureau Information Femme, and especially the services and support it provides to women in situations of violence. Shared values: Honour, courage and respect http://www.bif-vd.ch.

rugby santa hats

Elisabeth Fransdonk of Emo-Photo is responsible for the photos and the design of this calendar for the second time. She found the location for the photo shoot in an old factory in Moudon, Switzerland. Elisabeth is a sought after photographer in Switzerland and abroad for her artistic choices and in recent years she shares her passion with photo enthusiasts and companies, notably by giving workshops on the importance of story-telling in photography, as well as training in smartphone photography.

The Stade Lausanne Rugby Club (SLRC) is one of eight original clubs to compete in the first Swiss league when the Switzerland Rugby Union was formed in 1969. The SLRC is one of the most successful clubs in the country with six National League A Championships and six Swiss Cups, including 2009 and 2010, to its name.

The ‘making of’ video of the photo shoot of the "Brothers in Arms" calendar, is made by the talented Juraj Berezny of Now Or Never Video, and can be discovered by here.

The calendar (A3 format) is now available for pre-order for the price of Fr. 40.-. As a gift that keeps on giving by not only decorating your walls but also your hearts, it is an ideal Christmas present!

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How to order: https://goo.gl/forms/edYf1gbh4w0xp27d2
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Elisabeth Fransdonk
Conceptual Photographer & Visual Storyteller
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079 749 05 83

Stade Lausanne Rugby Club (SLRC)
Fabio Venturelli
079 314 48 33
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