• AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva
  • Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design


You might not think polo is for everyone but if you like horse-riding and sports then read on. Polo is typically regarded as an exclusive sport practised on horseback and has a certain elitist reputation. Reputedly played by the rich and the royal, polo is a sport played on horseback in which teams hit a ball into the opposing team's goal using a long-handled mallet. Originating in Persia in the 5th century BC, polo became popular when the British enjoyed a similar game in India. In 1875 the sport was practised in Argentina with a formal polo match with the skills of the gauchos and their talents. In 1876 the sport was popularized in the USA.


Nowadays, the sport is open to anyone willing to give it a go. Practice makes perfect and once you are confident enough to be able to ride and maneuver the ball and mallet without crippling your opponent, then you will be allowed to play at the Geneva Polo Club in Veigy, France, just at the border near City Green Sports center.




Local hockey association, Geneve Futur Hockey, is running a special ice hockey day for girls on Sunday, 2 October.  Called “Just for Girls", the event will run from 9h30 until 15h00 at the Vernets ice rink in Geneva, and will aim to teach girls the basic skills of ice hockey, but in a fun, enjoyable way.

The event is one of many that are being held throughout the world to mark the occasion of World Girls’ Hockey Day, a new initiative being organized by the International Ice Hockey Federation to celebrate the future of female hockey.  Female hockey is one of the fastest growing sports in the world, due in part to events being held like these.

Girls aged from 5 years and above, are invited to come to the ice rink at Vernets, even if they have never skated on ice or held a hockey stick in their life before! Beginners will have the opportunity to learn all about the game in the company of fellow novices, whilst those who have played before can benefit from specific training tips that will help them progress further in the game.


It’s that time of year when you have to start thinking about extra-curricular activities for your children.  La rentrée (going back to school) is fast approaching and your kids will soon be badgering you to book them on their favorite course – just one of hundreds of after-school classes that are now being offered for children in this region.

One course that you might like to consider, and which is being offered at the Futurekids Geneva center for the first time this year, is STRATEGIOS.  On offer on Wednesday afternoons, and Tuesday and Thursday after school, this innovative workshop uses games to help young people aged from 6 to 14 develop essential reasoning skills.  

The workshops have been carefully designed to help children analyse information, structure their thought processes, think logically, make decisions and solve problems: all skills they need to succeed in their studies and professional lives.  Research in US universities has shown that programs similar to SRATEGIOS have resulted in children achieving significantly improved results in standardized verbal communication and mathematical tests. Download this flyer to find out more.

10th anniversary of the Sherlock Holmes Museum in Lucens


Why not sign-up for a great time in Lucens, Vaud, in a mystery-themed event around Sherlock Holmes? Saturday 3 September from 13h in the museum dedicated to Britains most famous sleuth, you will be able to participate in a mystery (adults: who killed the museum guide; families: someone has disappeared). Price Fr. 20.-/team.

From 16h take a ride on the double-decker red bus as well as London cabs. There will be other activities including snacks, drinks including British beers, the rally results, and the official ceremony.

Stay on at 19h30 to partake in a delicious meal inspired by all things British and ending in death by chocolate! Music, a whiskey bar, and magicians will make the whole event even more memorable. Fr. 60.-/person for the meal, sign-up obligatory and payment upon entry.


If you’re looking for something a little different to do with your family or friends, why not sign yourself up for this year’s “Balade - Au Fil du Gout”, organized by the Morges Tourist Office.

Taking place on Saturday 3rd September, this fourth edition of the gastronomic stroll along the vineyards of Morges will enable you to savour local wines and dishes while enjoying unbeatable views of Lake Geneva and the mountains beyond.

A new route has been prepared this year, going through the wine cellars of Yens, Lavigny, Etoy and Saint-Prex.  At each cellar, participants will receive information about wine growing and will have the opportunity to enjoy different courses of a gastronomic meal.  This mouth-watering experience will start with an appetizing aperitif of crudités at the Domaine Jean-Daniel et Sylvie Coeytaux in Yens, and finish with a choice of delicious tarts for dessert at the Domaine de Bon-Boccard in Saint-Prex. In between there will be the opportunity to sample a fine meal of “saucisson en croute” prepared at the Domaine Les Remans in Lavigny, followed by a selection of cheeses to taste at the Domaine des Chentres in Etoy.