• Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva

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Last chance to buy tickets for Gingins Cricket Club’s charity event on Thursday, 25 September

The Gingins Cricket Club (GCC) is holding a fundraising gala dinner on Thursday 25 September, at which the special guest speaker will be ex-England Cricket captain, Nasser Hussain.

Money raised by the event will go towards improving the facilities of the club as well as supporting “Chance to Dream”, a kids charity created by the club’s young cricketers to provide sporting equipment to underprivileged children in more remote areas of India so that they have the chance to play the sport as well.

Founded in 2008, Gingins Cricket Club currently has over 80 junior members from La Côte region, representing many nationalities and age groups from U7 to U17. Summer training takes places at the Gingins Centre Sportif and winter training sessions are organized at sports halls in nearby schools.


© Michel Barraud

The annual literary festival, Le livre sur les quais, will take place this year during the weekend of 5th-7th September.  During the festival, over 300 writers (including 25 British, Irish and American writers) will visit the picturesque town of Morges on the shore of lake Geneva.  Now in its fifth year, the festival has become a mature international literary gathering, with a great program of English-language events running throughout the 3 days. The full program can be viewed online: http://lelivresurlesquais.ch/programme-2014

This year’s English program is particularly strong.  It covers literary fiction, non-fiction, crime and thrillers, appealing to all tastes. The main program will run from 11:00 until 18:00 on both Saturday and Sunday and there will be simultaneous events in English to choose from. There is also an opening event in English on Friday afternoon at 17:30 with Nathan Filer, Sadie Jones and Jami Attenberg.


Sign up for one of Lisa's vintage plate jewelry workshops - or buy one of her hand-made bracelets here

Whilst everyone was moaning about the weather this summer, Lisa was laying the foundations for her latest creative venture - transforming broken plates into stunning, beautifully hand-crafted jewelry.  With a few sample bracelets under her belt, she is now ready to launch her new vintage jewelry business, and invites you to share her love of jewelry-making by signing-up for one of her vintage plate jewelry workshops.

"Not only do antique plates look great with a beautiful slice of cake adorning them, but they look even better once broken and chipped", Lisa chirps as she speaks of her passion. "I started doing stained glass in 2007 and fell in love with it. The color and light that glass releases is so cheerful and fun. You can really let your imagination go wild." Many of her stained glass projects have other everyday objects incorporated to add another dimension, such as aluminum objects, watches, wood and shells, and of course antique plates. However, once the plates have been used, the remainder is usually trashed. Lisa is not one to throw out anything that could potentially serve a purpose, and one day decided to incorporate plate remnants into her jewelry.


Trial and error was overcome. She worked out how to cut the plates and sand them down to a smooth finish, how to adhere the plate pieces to metal, and how to make them all into a beautiful, meaningful object. The initial project was for herself - Lisa's first bracelet and matching necklace were born in February 2013 (photo above).


It’s not every day that a new sport is created, but one has just arrived in Switzerland that looks heaps of fun!

Originating in Norway in 2011, Bubble Football is rapidly becoming a craze in Switzerland amongst football enthusiasts keen to add a new dimension to their favorite sport. Indeed, anyone looking for a fun time with a group of friends can enjoy the sport – the game is ideal for birthday parties or work outings!

So how is the game played? The rules are very similar to traditional football or soccer – split into two teams, the aim of the game is to score as many goals as possible for your team. The key difference is that all players are encased in a huge transparent, plastic bubble from their knees up to their head! So when players start to tackle each other for the ball, the fun really begins! Not only does the football roll around the pitch, the players do too!

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The Association Servette Rugby Club de Genève (ASRCG) - in collaboration with Genève Sport SA, the Geneva Cantonal Rugby Association and the Swiss Rugby Federation - has launched a new rugby initiative, the Geneva Rugby Cup, which will take place for the first time on Friday 8 August 2014 at Stade de Genève.

The Geneva Rugby Cup 2014 will feature the following matches:

  • 18h00: The first official match of Servette Rugby Club against Grasshopper Zürich Rugby Club

  • 20h30: An all French Top 14 clash between Stade Français Paris and LOU (Lyon Olympique Universitaire)

The Stade Français Paris, thirteen-time French champion, is one of the most prestigious clubs in Europe.  Gonzalo Quesada, Sporting Director, confirmed, “We are delighted to compete against the LOU in Geneva. This fixture, against a newly promoted club to the Top 14, is very important to us, as it is our final preparation match before the start of the championship. Naturally, we want to be in a position to prepare for the 2014-2015 season on a positive note”.