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capcanaille childpainting

Cap Canaille, one of the leading providers of employer-supported bilingual (English/French) daycare centers in Suisse Romande, has just opened a new center in Le Mont-sur-Lausanne.

Located in the new Quartier Montjoie on the Rue du Champ du Bois 13, the new facility will provide “Educare” to over 90 children aged from 3 months to school entry age, for 50 weeks per year.   With flexible opening hours from 6h30 to 18h30, the center should meet the exacting requirements of most local employers. An extended day program until 19h30 is also provided at a small additional fee.

Cap Canaille co-owner, Peter Zahnd, told knowitall.ch, “At Cap Canaille, we have had many years experience fine-tuning our educational care programs to serve the needs of local and expatriate children.  At our existing centers in Morges La Gottaz, Rolle and Villars-sur-Glâne, we have always believed in providing clients, parents and children with the best possible in-class programs and services. Children’s play is an essential component of our programs, which are based on developmentally appropriate themes and activities geared towards the advancement of gross and fine motor skills, and which are suited to the different age groups, their abilities and interests.”

capcanaille educarer

The Cap Canaille program is provided in French and English by native-speaking Educarers, and is divided into 3 main age groups:

The Infants’ Program responds to the special needs of the 3-18 months age group and ensures a safe, caring, loving and nurturing environment to enhance babies' emotional and physical well being.  The ratios are low to encourage maximum personal interaction with staff through talking, hugging, cuddling, rocking and soothing. A lot of flexibility is built into the feeding and sleeping schedules to accommodate each baby's individual needs.

The program is filled with several activities to enhance gross motor development, fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination, sensory stimulation, cognitive skills and language development. Tools include different types of smart games, large manipulatives, felt books, textures, introduction to colors, shapes and sounds, music and crafts.

In the Toddlers’ Program for children aged 18 months to 3 years, a new theme is chosen each month, which will allow children to discover different materials and concepts and to overcome new challenges. In addition, supervised activities encourage group awareness, sharing, and patience, enhancing communication amongst children as well as between children and adults. Table skills are promoted, and forks and knives are used at mealtimes. Toilet-training is introduced depending on the readiness of children and in agreement with parents.

capcanaille children

In the Pre-schoolers Program, children aged 3 years and above learn through play, structured activities that include storytelling, arts, crafts, music, dance, and short day trips, and by means of hands-on learning experiences.  Monthly themes become more elaborate to develop children’s different talents and to expand their vocabulary, introduce them to number concepts, and widen their awareness and knowledge of different topics such as seasons and festivities, community helpers, healthy eating and good hygienic habits, caring for the environment, cooperation and respect for others. This stage is geared towards fostering children’s self-reliance, confidence in their own abilities and to best prepare them for school.

There are five price modules in place across all four centers.  In addition to the full day module, parents can opt to leave their child for a short or long morning (which includes lunch and supervised nap), or a short or long afternoon (also with lunch and supervised nap).  Siblings are entitled to a reduction, and parents should enquire about subsidies that have been agreed between Cap Canaille and some local communes.

Application and enrolment can take place at any time of the year. Parents are required to complete the online pre-registration form indicating the days and times they wish their child to attend, and Cap Canaille will review your application before letting you know in writing about availability.

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Cap Canaille Montjoie
Champ-du-Bois 13
1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
021 510 53 10
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Photos © Cap Canaille