"Stop crisis" Filliozat workshop on ZOOM
4 Thursday evenings from May 28th, from 19h30-22h30
From your sofa.
Infos and reservations to get the zoom password: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A workshop for:
- To become aware of the impact of our words.
- Understand why our requests often go unanswered and how the multiple daily conflicts, so exhausting for parents, are born.
- Discover new and effective communication tools that generate cooperation and respect.
- Better decode what happens to the child and to us adults in times of crisis.
- Find tools to manage the resulting stress.
- Learn to better react so that crises, which are all inherent in life, do not degenerate and exhaust us.
- Find ways to make family life more harmonious and enjoyable.