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By Diana Ritchie, www.scc-centre.com

This is the first of a series of articles that will describe each worksample in turn.

Have you ever noticed that when you happily do certain tasks, jobs, activities it does not feel like work but rather like pleasure. No one needs to pay you – you would happily do it for free! We often call these activities “hobbies” – what we do in our evenings and weekends – when we are not working.

Society has taught us that work is not meant to be enjoyable and that we work so we can afford to do what brings us joy. The new generation does not believe in this old model they want to enjoy their life (including work) and I believe they can.

So, whether you are intrigued to learn more about yourself, looking to change jobs, direction or if you are a parent and you want to support your children to make the best choices for their education, future career and life then keep reading to learn more about the Highlands Ability Battery (HAB).

I will debrief the report with you in a 2-hour meeting to interpret the results. For students I help you identify what subject choices are best suited to you as well as where and how those abilities can best be leveraged in your career journey. The test is equally beneficial to students with learning challenges.

Natural Abilities are a measure of Driving Abilities. How easily you complete a worksample defines how “naturally” the underlying aptitude comes to you. Each worksample is timed to reflect your innate abilities and not your skills.

The first worksample within the Driving Abilities is: Classification
This worksample measures the ability to solve problems diagnostically, to identify a unifying principle, and for synthesizing. It influences one’s natural ability to evaluate and critique, one’s contribution to problem solving and the pace and structure of one’s preferred work environment.

A person scoring the high range on the Classification continuum prefers academic or work environments requiring a continuous rapid pace of solving problems or are chaotic, providing few parameters or simply a blank slate, and where a premium is placed on identifying solutions rather than implementing them.

Work roles that require rapid, accurate decision-making, particularly in face-to-face situations in fields such as medical, business, and legal consultation. Consultants must possess this ability to succeed!

  • High Classification: The Quick problem solver: - “I’ve got that. Next problem please”.
  • Low Classification: The Implementer: - “I need to ask you some questions”.

button discount150Diana Ritchie is kindly offering knowitall.ch readers a 50% discount on the HAB program which includes the HAB test (3 hours), the HAB feedback session of 2 hours and a recording; to allow future review. 15+ years of career coaching experience, self-discovery expertise, and intuitive coaching will ensure personalised and insightful relevance of the results. This offer is valid through 31 January 2024. When contacting Diana, please let her know you saw this article for the discount.

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Author’s bio:

DianaRitchieAs owner and founder of SCC Sarl, Diana Ritchie has been operating successfully in the region for over 15 years, providing career-related counseling, networking and coaching to partners and spouses of international employees relocating to Switzerland. She has a strong focus on training herself and works with expert trainers to Boost Professional Performance.