Milena McRae works with individuals and groups from all walks of life, helping them build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. As a certified life coach, she specialises in helping you discover your purpose and create an environment that is supportive of it. In working with Milena, you will be guided to analyse your existing beliefs, patterns of thinking and behaviors that are at the core of your current results. You will then work on transforming them, bringing them in alignment with your desired results.
Milena wholeheartedly believes that we can all live truly fulfilled and successful lives. Her passion to help you discover the greatness in yourself shows generously in her interactions, coaching and mentoring work. Whether your challenge in life is in discontent with your current results or in longing for better and more — be it in your health, relationships, occupation or time and money freedom, she can help you take confident steps towards the full spectrum life you know you deserve and want to be living now.
by Milena McRae,
I’ve been truly lucky to be working with some very special and unique people over the last few months. In that time it feels we’ve jointly moved a few mountains, making some important changes to not just one person's life, but also to many of the most important people who share the lives of each of us.
Lucy is one of those special people and she has asked me to provide some feedback on her experiences in the hope that her story will inspire others. We have worked together closely over three months completing my DreamBuilder program. The quotes below are written personally by her.
Lucy explained that “As a family we had been through a number of difficult challenges - infertility, behavioural problems with our children, and two international moves. Combined with giving up a career to become a full-time mother, I felt like I had given up all sense of me. Whilst my priority will always be with my children, I wanted to work out what I could do for me to give myself back a sense of pride in myself and to actually feel like I was achieving something again.”
She has now discovered her dream to “…run a small business doing something that I love, and that I'm quite good at!” Lucy, has also acted on her discovery. Her business is now operating, leveraging what she can do from where she stands today,…she had more capability and help at her disposal than she expected. “I now know that I want to "design" my life rather than just live it by "default"...and do what I believe is expected of me. I definitely feel a greater sense of enjoyment in my life now and I am excited for the future.”
by Milena McRae,
According to Mayo Clinic research, embracing forgiveness and relieving yourself of past pains plays a vital role in our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual health.
On the Physical level, letting go of the past boosts your immune system, lowers your blood pressure improving heart health, relieves acute and chronic pain, improves digestion and balances your hormones. Emotionally, forgiveness reduces stress, anxiety and hostility, enhances self-esteem, increases compassion and opens us to better relationships. On the Spiritual level, we feel re-connected with our closer and wider environment, our world expands and we are open to hear the innate guidance on how to proceed every day in alignment with our greater purpose.
Yet for many, forgiving and letting go doesn't come spontaneously. I would like to share with you the practice I have developed and find really easy to follow.
by Milena McRae,
As we go through life, we distinguish as clearly as black and white between the good and the bad - we learn to do this from a very young age as we are trained by our well-meaning environment to become an individual who fits in with the expectations of the system and those around us. So our beliefs about what is good and what is bad are deeply ingrained in us and form the basis of our habits, behaviours and choices we make later in life.
Once established, we use this framework to navigate through life and make conscious choices. Habitually then, when we don't like our circumstances, we are prompted into action, focusing on the negative results in order to rectify them. This causes us to focus our energy and time on the negative side of things before the desired circumstances seem even possible.