• World Radio Switzerland
  • Airbnb Geneva - Your home away from home
  • Coffee and Creations
  • Buy a copy of the latest edition


Excerpt from trailer below. 

To celebrate the 10th edition of Know-it-all passport® (KIAP), we are creating a special video that will be loaded on our site, and viewed at various events.

We are asking KIAP enthusiasts to send in any of the below:

  • a short video, up to 1 minute long (see details below)
  • a photo (possibly of you holding any edition, on your bookshelf at home or the office, in the car, or anywhere else you can imagine)
  • a greeting card (send in a congratulations card to the address below)

You can include other people or props: business associates, family, pets, balloons, confetti, banners, glass of champagne, etc. The photo of the book(s) in the bookshelf would be the perfect backdrop or wherever it is used the most (coffee table, car, stroller, office).

Need help creating your video?
Watch our sample video below to get an idea of the sort of thing we are looking for, but be creative and make it your own!

For owners of any edition of a Know-it-all passport®, use these questions to inspire you:

  • What is your name? (We can't use your clips in the video without this.)
  • How did you find out about KIAP?
  • How many editions do you own?
  • How has KIAP changed/helped your life?
  • What is your favorite chapter?
  • What would you like to see in the 11th edition?
  • Do you have a special message for KIAP?

For businesses listed for free in Know-it-all passport®:

  • What is your full name and company name? (We can't use your clips in the video without this.)
  • How has KIAP changed/helped your business?
  • How long have you been listed?
  • Do you have a special message for KIAP?

For advertisers in Know-it-all passport®:

  • What is your full name and company name? (We can't use your clips in the video without this.)
  • How has KIAP changed/helped your business?
  • Why do you advertise?
  • Do you have a special message for KIAP?

Tips before filming:

  • Stabilize your camera.
  • With a cell phone please turn it sideway before filming.
  • Do not rush after turning the camera on and off. Wait 3 seconds before and after filming so it is not cut off in the wrong place (we can edit out any extra material).
  • Do not sit with the light from a window behind you.
  • Try to avoid clothes with patterns as it will look like the pattern is "swimming or moving".
  • Make sure to have a copy of the book in the shot.
  • Smile!

If you are interested in filming but don’t know how, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and she will set up a date with you to do it together, with pleasure!

How to send your video
The best way for you to send us your videos is by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. When you send the video by email you have 2 options:

  • Upload your video to YouTube and send us the link.
  • Send us your video file by WeTransfer. Anyone can use WeTransfer - you don't need to register for the basic account.

Our video producer will then download all the videos for our final 10th edition celebration video and edit them together.

How to send your photos
Photos may be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to send your cards
Cards may be sent to:
Know-it-all passport®
19, ch. des Mollies
1293 Bellevue

Midnight on Saturday, 24 September 2016

We will let you know when the film is ready so you can share it on social media.



Photo sent from Joanna B. from hospital room! KIAP was taken as reading material!





