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New English-language newspaper will inform and entertain local and foreign English speakers.

A new English-language newspaper will be launched in the Arc Lémanique region this week.

Called Le News, the new full-color tabloid will fill a gap in the local Swiss media for a weekly paper that targets the specific needs of English speakers living between Geneva and Montreux.  30,000 copies of the paper will be printed for the first issue, which will be published on Thursday, 31 October, 2013.

Featuring both regional and national news, with articles ranging from business and travel, through to education and technology, Le News will provide a unique perspective on current trends that is distinctly different to that provided by the Swiss press. A number of supplements will also be published throughout the year, covering special topics relevant to the paper’s readership.

Le News Director, Jeremy McTeague, told knowitall.ch,  “Before we embarked on this project, we surveyed over 400 people living in the region to see what they thought about having a newspaper targeted specifically at the English-speaking community. Not only did the results show there was a clear demand for a newspaper of this kind – with nearly 90% of those replying saying they wanted to read it – but they also confirmed our suspicions about how difficult this sector of the community is to reach.  Over 50% of the non-native French speakers felt they had inadequate French to read Swiss newspapers, and over 75% thought it would be helpful to have advertisements in English!”

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Le News team (with responsibilities): From left to right: Phillip Judd (finance and strategy), Jeremy McTeague (management and strategic editorial direction), and Daniel Ahlers (advertising sales and distribution).

With over 35,000 new foreign residents arriving in the Arc Lémanique region each year, all keen to get their hands on local products and services, it is easy to see the huge potential of this newspaper. Not only will local businesses have an exciting opportunity to reach out to a largely affluent and professional group of potential customers, but new arrivals will also have easy access to both local and national Swiss news, in a language that they understand, which can only help to ease the process of integration into Swiss life for them.

In addition to news and feature articles, Le News will also have a weekly page dedicated to regional events, hand-picked by the Know-it-all passport team from our popular knowitall.ch Events Calendar So if you are organizing a local event and want to get the maximum possible exposure for it, then let us know by filling in our Events form here. We will cover everything from large exhibitions at Geneva Palexpo through to smaller events such as local concerts.


You can view the online version of the paper at www.lenews.ch.

The paper will also include a weekly Classifieds and Local Ads section, which will be duplicated in the Classifieds section of the paper’s website, www.lenews.ch.  In addition, there will be a page dedicated to local community groups and associations. Any group that wishes to raise its profile is welcome to submit an entry for free to Le News on a first come, first served basis. Only entries from charities and not-for-profit organisations will be accepted, and priority will be given to new organisations. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to submit your entry, which must be no longer than 50 words.

Le News will be published every Thursday and will be distributed free of charge at various pick-up points throughout the Arc Lemanique.  Look out for the paper at transport hubs, shopping centers, businesses, cafés, hotels, educational establishments and international organizations - or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like your organization to become a distribution point.  Le News is also available on a four week trial subscription, priced at Fr. 15.- to cover the costs of handling and postage. Click here for more information.

Le News
Launch date: 31 October 2013
Print run: 30,000 copies
Price: Free
Format: Tabloid, full color