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Press release: 1954-2024

In January this year, CERN officially launched the celebrations for its 70th anniversary! This significant event in the life of the Organization will celebrate the Laboratory’s outstanding contributions to scientific exploration, technological advancements, and global cooperation in particle physics.

Over the course of the year, a range of events and initiatives will highlight CERN's diverse achievements while also looking forward to its promising future, with a unique accelerator complex set to drive 70 more years of research into what the Universe is made of and how it works.

Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director-General, commented, "CERN's achievements over it 70-years of history show what humanity can do when we put aside our differences and focus on the common good. Through the celebrations of CERN's 70th anniversary, we will demonstrate how, over the past seven decades, CERN has been at the forefront of scientific knowledge and technological innovation, a model for training and education, collaboration and open science, and an inspiration for citizens around the world."

Video: CERN70 Live: The case of the (still) mysterious Universe

Luciano Musa, coordinator of the CERN 70th anniversary, said, "This anniversary year is for everyone and should engage and inspire scientists, policy makers and the public. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to CERN for the many events being planned, but also to the celebrations in our Member States, Associate Member States and beyond. The international events are a testament to CERN's impact on scientific knowledge, technological development and worldwide collaboration."

Get to know CERN's impactful history since 1954—a legacy of scientific breakthroughs, innovations and global collaboration in particle physics.

Program for the public

The 70th anniversary of CERN is an opportunity to engage the public in 70 years of discoveries and innovations. The programme is built around 4 themes: Pushing Back the Frontiers of Knowledge is all about open questions in physics, and future directions. 'Advancing Science and Technology' highlights the interplay between fundamental science and cutting-edge technology, leading to groundbreaking solutions for a sustainable future. 'Science without Borders', emphasises CERN's role as a universal model for international collaboration. Finally, 'Science for All', focuses on training, education and accessibility, inspiring inclusiveness in the world of science.

CERN70 official ceremony: Inspiring the future
Tuesday, 1 October 2024, 15h16h30
Science Gateway Auditorium A (81/R-003A) (CERN)

This year holds special significance for CERN, which celebrates its 70th anniversary on 29 September 2024. This landmark year honours CERN’s remarkable contributions to scientific knowledge, technological innovation, and international collaboration in the field of particle physics.

A variety of events and activities, culminating in an official high-level ceremony on the 1st of October 2024, will showcase the Laboratory’s rich past and its forward-looking vision.

Join us online on 1 October to discover spectacular scientific adventures and celebrate with us 70 years of scientific discovery and innovation.

Full details about the webcast will be published prior to this event on the CERN70 website.