• Buy a copy of Know-it-all passport
  • Living in Nyon
  • Coffee and Creations
Kids in mazeThere are just a couple of weeks left to enjoy the giant cornfield labyrinth which opens each year at the Ferme du Coucou in Vaud – so head on down there if you fancy a great day out with the family!

Located halfway between Cugy and Bottens, this enormouse life-size labyrinth is guaranteed to provide hours of fun for you and your kids.  As you work your way towards the center of the maze, the young ones will take pleasure in searching out the six hole punchers, which you need to punch your entrance ticket before it can be submitted in the competition box located at the beginning of the maze.  With prizes ranging from jewelry to a free flight, it’s definitely worth finding them all before you leave!

In the center of the maze are some picnic tables, a few tents, a slide and see saw, and a barbecue for grilling your own meat. Coals are provided in the green bin but you must bring something to light them.

It is strongly recommended that you bring sunscreen, a bottle of water, and a hat as it took Know-it-all passport editor, Lisa Cirieco, and her family 1 hour and 45 minutes to find the 6 hole-punchers ( if you can do it faster let us know)!  Since they were thirsty and hot and had no opportunity to buy food on site, they headed straight for lunch to the Café du Soleil (pictured below and situated a short drive away) for some delicious filets de perche and pommes allumettes (skinny fries - in size not in calories).

After lunch, you might like to head back to the labyrinth to cut some beautiful gladiolas (Fr. 1.50.-/each) and pick up some unusual and not so unusual pumpkins (Fr. 1.- to Fr. 17.-) at the self-service garden. All in all, a great day out!

Café due Soleil  **FERME DU COUCOU (10th year)
1041 Bottens
Famille Siegenthaler
021 882 27 25
079 576 74 40
Halfway between Cugy and Bottens
Daily until October 3rd
10h- 20h

http://map.search.ch/bottens/ferme-coucou.fr.html (The labyrinth was caught in the satellite shot here!)
Price: Fr. 2.-/child, Fr. 5.-/adult (machine takes coins only so make sure you have some handy)