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WE 8 Alimentarium Food sector2 NicolasJutzi.ch

Free admission to the food museum on 4 and 5 June 2016!

After nine months of renovation work, the Alimentarium will reopen its doors on 4 June 2016. The food museum has been completely redesigned from top to bottom, with a new permanent exhibition and places to eat, relax and experiment. There is also a new range of culinary workshops and a revamped website, that has been transformed into a powerful online knowledge center, available in 3 different languages.  With its new digital ecosystem, the museum is set to become the world’s leading information center on food and nutrition - a museum to be savored, either in person or virtually from all round the world!

Food - The essence of life: Travel to the heart of food
Designed as a fun, interactive journey, the permanent exhibition invites adults and children alike to explore the fascinating world of the food of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The new scenography brings together discovery, experimentation and knowledge enhancement in three new sectors: Food, Society and The Body. Each one uses film screenings, interactive terminals and video installations to create an unforgettable immersive experience that reveals the influence food has on the body and the environment.

WE 18 Alimentarium Body Digestive tube NicolasJutzi.ch

Post your own food selfie or explore the digestive system
Among the surprises in store is a community wall for visitors to share their food selfies and childhood memories of favourite dishes; a voyage into the twists and turns of the digestive tract to discover how it works and even a multiplayer augmented reality GameRoom designed to help you burn calories as you put the knowledge gained during your visit into action.

New places to eat and relax
The Alimentarium has taken advantage of this total transformation as an opportunity to rethink its layout and create new R&R restaurant and relaxation spaces, both inside the museum and in its garden. From now on, the entire ground floor will be accessible to all, free of charge.

WE 7 Alimentarium Place to eat and relax NicolasJutzi.ch

A weekend of festivities to discover the 2016 Museum
On 4 and 5 June, everyone is invited to try out the "2016 vintage" throughout an Open House weekend. Philippe Ligron, newly appointed head of the FoodExperience programme, will be at the helm to tempt visitors’ appetites as he unveils the first aromas of the Alimentarium’s new culinary activities.

Chefs/activity leaders in the JuniorAcademy will be concocting tasty treats for visitors to nibble during their visit to the new museum, while Valérie Véron, the new head chef of the Restaurant, will tantalise taste buds with party dishes prepared especially for the occasion.

In addition, Christine Pompeï will be present both days from 14h30 until 17h30 to sign copies of the latest addition to her Les enquêtes de Maëlys series showing the Alimentarium on the cover.

WE 14 Alimentarium Society sector4 NicolasJutzi.ch

An unprecedented public knowledge center
As the world’s first museum to be dedicated to food, for the past thirty years the Alimentarium has been exploring the multiple facets of food and nutrition from a global, independent perspective.

Retaining its pioneering spirit, the museum has created an information ecosystem and a unique way of learning. Its exclusive online platform takes advantage of the latest ways of learning, sharing and teaching through educational games, articles and case files, 400 digitised objects, a food glossary, etc.

All the museum’s content is now accessible online, in three languages. Through this huge digital transformation, the Alimentarium has put its knowledge within everyone’s reach, and is positioning itself as the leading source of information on food and nutrition.

WE 9 Alimentarium Food sector1 NicolasJutzi.ch

The Alimentarium reopens
4 and 5 June, from 10h - 18h
Free admission
Reservations for museum entry tickets or for the various workshops can now be made on www.alimentarium.org

Quai Perdonnet 25
021 924 41 11

All photos © Nicolas Jutzi

WE 1 Alimentarium Museum NicolasJutzi.ch