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By Meta Djojosubroto, www.LausanneMom.com

Two weeks ago we went to Rendez-Vous Bundesplatz, a spectacular light, music and story show, that was projected onto the Parliament Building at the Bundesplatz in Bern. It was a beautiful Saturday evening. We arrived about 40 minutes before the 7pm show and the crowd was just starting. At the last minutes the area got really busy, but not really packed.


The show started Swiss time – on time at 7pm. It was a WOW! Simply amazing and from our spot we could enjoy it easily. I’m a petite (1.54m), but it wasn’t a problem, although in the the photos you’ll see silhouettes of heads :) I saw that many families brought stepping stools for their children to stand on. My 5-yo daughter stood on her brother’s stroller and I carried my 2-yo with an Ergo.


I especially loved how they colored the statues’ clothes in red!



As quoted from here, the show was a “fictional journey through Swiss myths and legends, all bundled into an entertaining story“. I understand basic German, but as the story was in CH German, I was completely lost. But honestly we still enjoyed it very much. And it wasn’t only for us. Caroline, a friend and follower of Lausanne Mom wrote this after seeing the show last week:

"Thanks so much for posting this. We went and even though the kids and I don’t understand (Swiss) German, it was AWESOME!"

I highly recommend you to squeeze in a visit to Bern until 1st Dec to catch the show. Bern by itself is a very charming city. We have gotten to know it very well as a very close friend lives there and we spent many of our staycations there. You can combine it for example with a visit to the Sensorium just outside Bern, or if you go this week you can still catch the Qin exhibition. During our last trip to Bern we also went to the Museum of Telecommunication and loved it (post about it coming soon).

And finally, a mommy tip: don’t forget to bring your little ones to the restroom before heading to the show. FYI, the show last around 25 minutes.

“Rendez-vous Bundesplatz” at Parliament Square, Bern: from October 18 to December 1, 2013 (except during the Onion Market on November 24 and 25). Two presentations are held each evening: at 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. More info.

Author's bio:

metabioMeta Djojosubroto is the blogger behind LausanneMom.com where she shares info and her parenting adventures to English-speaking parents in Lausanne area. She has a PhD in Molecular Biology but is currently on career break. She is nowadays busy sewing, crafting and decorating, as well as taking care of her 2 kids and 1 husband. She blogs whenever the kids are watching TV.
