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jewelery swapparty

Is your wardrobe overflowing with clothes but you still feel that you have nothing to wear?  Are there items in there that you simply haven’t worn for years, perhaps because they are too big or too small? Or do you simply just fancy a change – but can’t afford to splash out on any new clothes or accessories?

If so, then clothes swapping is the new, economical and eco-friendly solution that may be perfect for you!  In the US, Germany and France, the concept of Swapping has been around for ages – now it is the time for those of you living in Switzerland to give it a try!

Swap-Party@St-Prex is the first event of its kind in this area to be launched by organizers, Katharina Vaquero, Désirée Quagliara and Katharina Peters.  Taking place on 26th November at the Foyer au Vieux Bourg, in the small medieval village of St-Prex on the shores of Lac Léman, the event is described as “a ladies night out, all about fun and fashion, in a nice and relaxing atmosphere.”

Places at the event are limited so you are advised to register on the www.swapparty.ch website as soon as possible.  The price is Fr. 18.-, which includes a welcome drink when you arrive.  

On the evening of the Swap-Party, which starts at 18h30, you are invited to bring along at least 3 items of clothing or accessories, but no more than 8, all of which must be clean and in excellent condition.  Whilst you enjoy your welcome drink, the organizers will label the items and allocate each a number of points, according to their potential value.  Depending on the number of points your articles receive, you will be given Swap money to spend on other items brought to the event. For example 1 Zara T-shirt may be worth 1 Swap coin, whilst a Mango coat may be worth 2 Swap coins.

In addition to receiving Swap coins, anybody bringing in luxury items will receive a special gold button, which will enable them to benefit from “Pre-Swapping” – the option of entering the Swap-Party room 10 minutes before the other participants. At 20h00, the party is open for all to enjoy and browse the items, which will have been sorted according to their size.

If you don’t use your Swap coins, the organizers will swap them at the end of the evening for a small surprise.  Any items not “purchased” at the end of the evening will be taken to the local charity L’Escale in St-Prex or you can take them back home again afterwards. There will be also be the possibility to sell any luxury bags you own during the swap. You decide on the price and the organizers will ask for 15% commission. This rule only applies for luxury hand bags. Since the www.swapparty.ch website is continuously updated, it's worth checking it once in a while for any new conditions that may apply.

So if fancy a fun night out with a bit of extra “shopping appeal” then don’t miss the first Swap-Party@St-Prex!

Swap-Party@St-Prex, from 18h30, 26 November, 2012
Foyer au Vieux Bourg
Grand-Rue 11
1162 St-Prex
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