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eca springbazaar2012

This weekend (23 and 24 June, 2012), the Ethiopian Children's Appeal will hold its annual Spring Bazaar at the Awash Restaurant, in Geneva.

The bazaar will feature lots of new items and a jewellery collection designed and made by ECA Founder, Jo Butler, following her three month sabbatical in Ethiopia this year.

Jo told knowitall.ch, "As a result of our previous fund-raising events, and in particular last year's Spring bazaar, we were able to accomplish so much in Ethiopia this year. I was personally involved in the installation of solar energy at the schools, the construction of two new buildings and a library, the refurbishment of the health clinic, and the annual delivery of school supplies and Christmas gifts. We were also able to plant a vegetable garden at the school so that the children can boost their nutritional needs and sell the surplus! You can read all about it on our website, www.ethiopianchildrensappeal.org!"

During the last 11 years, the Ethiopian Children's Association has been able to support 900 children through its fund raising and sale of handicrafts.

To find out more and to see how you can help, head on down to this year's Spring Bazaar.  Click here to see the flyer on our Events Calendar.

Ethiopian Children's Appeal Spring Bazaar
Awash Restaurant,
11 rue du Valais ( near Rue de Lausanne after train station and direction WTO)