• Lake Geneva poster
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Living in Nyon
  • Coffee and Creations

Cakes cardTo make way for their new 2011 stock, Forget Me Not Cards is offering 50% off all its remaining Christmas items as well as many of its non-Phoenix greetings cards for other occasions, during January.  The cards can be viewed at the Card Room in Chamby - simply call or email Liz Andrews before (details below).

Customers wishing to receive a copy of the new 2011 Phoenix brochure, should also send an email to Liz, simply saying "YES" and adding their name and address.  Cards can be viewed or ordered anytime from her website at www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/lizandrews.

Liz is also inviting customers to host their own Cards & Coffee or Evening.  Customers can expect to receive free cards in return for hosting an event.  Alternatively, if you live in France,  you may like to consider becoming your own Phoenix Trader.  It's a simple way to run your own business around the family and other commitments.  You can choose how busy you wish to be, and can develop a useful part-time income or a more lucrative full-time business.

For further information on Liz's special offers or on how to become a Phoenix Trader, contact:

Boot cardLiz Andrews,
Forget Me Not Cards
Rte de Chaulin 74B,
1832 Chamby
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/lizandrews
Tel: + 41 21 964 5091
Mob: + 41 79 376 3079

Phoenix Trading has recently expanded into France and Neuchatel by appointing three new traders.  If you live nearer them or know any other potential customers in their region, please pass on the details:

Near Pontarlier/Vallorbe
Jo Greaney
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : +33 3 81 89 43 55
Website: www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/jogreaney

Near St. Gingolph/Evian
Nicky Devecsery
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Tel : +33 4 50 38 79 16 or + 33 6 22 64 32 24
Website: www.phoenix-trading.eu/webfr/nicoladevecsery

Lucy Pearman 
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    
Tel: 032 730 6380 or 079 850 1841
Website: www.phoenix-trading.eu/web/lucypearman

Forget Me Not Cards is listed on pages 224 and 654 of Know-it-all passport 2011/2012.