• Living in Nyon
  • Lake Geneva poster
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Coffee and Creations


Claudia Von Boch is a ceramist who recently stopped giving courses to adults and children in the Pully area and works on her sculptures full time in Italy. We were impressed at how creative the quarantine has made her. After initially cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning, followed by doing jigsaw puzzles and then yoga, she got a brilliant idea! She designed and created a 3D ceramic jigsaw puzzle Mandala for her wall of 300 separate porcelain individually-crafted pieces! She kept a photo journal and shared it with her readers.

Here are just a few of the stages for your pleasure... more at the bottom of this article.

claudia pieces

Tell us of your history
I have been doing ceramics since the age of 10, in Argentina where I lived for 23 years. I worked on and off with clay in different studios until I moved to Switzerland. I then decided to do an art school specializing in ceramics. While exhibiting my work, I also taught ceramics for 25 years in my studio in Pully. But last year I stopped teaching to concentrate just on my sculpture (see below for 2 examples). Now I work from my atelier in Italy where I spend a good part of the year.

Have you been working on this mandala idea forever?
I have been playing with the idea of doing a Mandala since a few years. But I never had the courage because I did not think I could find the necessary time to invest into such a project. But with confinement I had PLENTY of that!

Claudia travail

What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
My kiln, tools and clays that I use for my sculptures are all in my studio in Italy. For almost 3 months I have been unable to go to there. So I had to find work that could be done in a small working space which is all I have here in my Pully home. I bought some porcelain and a few tools and made a few others.

What are your plans for the future?
Since Italy is most probably going to be closed for the time-being, I am starting work on a second Mandala which will be smaller. It is for our house in Italy. The wall is smaller so I adapt. Although the first Mandala did not have a particular theme, this one will be based on the different growing phases of ferns. But I also have a project of sculpture which takes its inspiration from Coronavirus!

What is your favorite art you make and why?
Very different from my Mandala, I normally make sculptures from reclaimed clays and glazes inspired from geological strata. They are figurative characters between 80-160cm tall.


Would you consider making this for clients?
Yes, I would. The price for a Mandala of this size (120cm in diameter) is Fr..3,000.- with delivery and installation by my care. But the price depends on the size of the Mandala as it can be smaller (or bigger). It is made in porcelain which is white but also comes in a few colors. I can also use black clay. I leave the background painting of the wall in the hands of the client prior to installation!

Alternatively, I can ship the Mandala. In such a case the cost of shipping must be added to the price. A paper outline pattern and instructions are shipped with the Mandala so it can be installed by the client.

claudia mur

If you are interested in getting in contact with Claudia, please tell her you saw her amazing artwork in this article. And relay our "bravo" to her for such an amazing wall feature!


Claudia von Boch
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+4178 657 54 18