• Living in Nyon
  • Coffee and Creations
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Lake Geneva poster

Zero Waste Food and Drink

With Christmas just behind us, the topic of waste seems particularly high on the agenda…what could we have done to reduce the packaging on all those presents, and did we really need to buy all that food and drink?

If you would like to support the zero waste initiative, and learn how to adopt some simple habits in your everyday life that will preserve natural resources and help prevent climate change, as well as improve your health and save you money, the association Zero Waste Switzerland has some great ideas to get you started.  

Set up in 2015 with the aim of “enabling citizens, institutions, and economic parties to choose a manner of consumption and production without waste”, the association runs a series of interesting workshops to help inform and educate individuals on a variety of topics ranging from food and drink through to beauty and hygiene.

Workshops in English

Over the next 3 months the organization will hold practical workshops in Geneva for English-speaking people who want to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for the planet and a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their children.

Dorinda Phillips, Geneva Ambassador for Zero Waste Switzerland, told knowitall.ch, "It’s absolutely possible, and a lot easier than we think, for each of us to reduce the amount of waste we produce by up to 50% and more by following the principles: Rethink, Reduce, Re-use, Repair, and Recycle. We see lots of people achieving these results and the workshops will give participants practical advice on how to implement these principles across a broad range of areas that impact our daily lives. Everyone is welcome – whether you are just coming to terms with the concept of zero waste, or are more experienced in this field and have your own suggestions to contribute!"

Food and Drink
Thursday, 18 January 2018, 19h to 21h
Maison des Associations, Rue des Savoises 15, Geneva
A fun and interactive workshop on the topics of Food, Drink and Eating out and about. Discover why it’s so important to reduce overall waste and pollution in the world and what each one of us can concretely do to reduce our own waste. Learn practical habits to buy without packaging, more locally, more organically etc. And discover local shops, sites and markets in your area to enable you to easily do it. There will be lots of opportunity to ask questions, share tips and get to know others.

Zero Waste Beauty Hygiene

Beauty, Hygiene, Cleaning & Co
Tuesday, 20 February 2018, 19h to 21h
Maison des Associations, Rue des Savoises 15, Geneva
An inspiring and practical workshop in the area of Beauty, Hygiene, Cleaning, Clothes and Household. Learn practical habits and options of how to buy better and buy less – buy without waste, buy second hand, reuse/repair, share/exchange and reduce/eliminate in all the categories above. Discover local shops, sites and products as well as exchange tips, tricks and questions with others who share the same values!

Work, Home, Holidays/Gifts
Thursday, 15 March 2018, 19h to 21h
Maison des Associations, Rue des Savoises 15, Geneva
A fun and practical workshop where you’ll continue your Zero Waste Habits in areas that impact others outside of self and immediate family. Discover more about energy/electricity and how to concretely reduce at home and at work, how to reduce your carbon footprint from travel on holidays, and how to hold zero waste celebration festivities/give presents in a way that delights. Discover local shops, sites and products as well as exchange tips, tricks and questions with others who will encourage you!

Zero Waste Cafés, conferences and other events

The organization also runs the same workshops in French as well as other events such as monthly Zero Waste Cafés where people can share practical tips, meet like-minded people and see demonstrations on certain products being made - Zero Waste Café Geneva and  Speed Meetings in Lausanne, the first of which is on 31 January and will have a special focus on the kitchen. The association often offers celebrity conferences with speakers such as Bea Johnson, Rob Greenfield and Jérémie Pichon and partners with other sustainable development organizations like at the upcoming Repair Café in Nyon on 20 January where you can bring in items for repair. You can see the full range of events on the website’s agenda here: https://zerowasteswitzerland.ch/events.

zero waste good spots 2018

Zero Waste friendly shops

In addition to organizing events, the association also works closely with local businesses to identify ways in which they can encourage their customers to bring in reusable containers when purchasing items in their shops.

To find a Zero Waste friendly shop near you, check out the “Good Spots” map on the Zero Waste Switzerland website which provides the website links and locations of businesses that have been “approved” as “member retailers” by the association in the following categories: food, cosmetics, services, clothes and miscellaneous. And if you’re a shop that wants to encourage people to bring their own containers, you can download for free the Zero Waste Friendly Shop sticker to display in your shop.

Become a member!

If you would like to get more involved with the association and support their work you can sign up to become an individual member for just Fr. 50.- per year, in which case you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • Free or reduced entry to conferences and workshops.
  • 1-hour Personal Zero Waste Coaching with one of the association's ambassadors.
  • Discounts in some partner shops and restaurants.

There are also special subscriptions for businesses and associations.

One new member, Caroline Hery-Selvatico, who decided to join the association after attending a workshop, told knowitall.ch, "I joined my first workshop in May 2017, and I must say it has been a great discovery: Dorinda is a wonderful person, passionate, dynamic, bringing people together. Her presentation is very pragmatic, giving us facts and figures, very significant, raising awareness in our mind on the urgency of acting in sustainable development, to save our planet and generation to come.....following the workshop I decided to become a member and involve myself, offering my time to help in events and workshops as much as I can. This association is a great way to "spread the word ", help people and bring them together, to create a "green" community for a better world."

Tips and tricks to get you started

If you’re not ready to join or come to a workshop yet, but would just like a few tips and tricks to get you started on the right path, here is a handy guide from the Zero Waste Switzerland website, which you might find useful!

Zero Waste Switzerland
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