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Lots of amazing prizes to be won in the daily draw from 1 to 24 December!

The 56 shops and businesses located in Cornavin Station in Geneva are celebrating the magic of Christmas with a huge Advent calendar installed right in the middle of the main hall.

From 1 to 24 December, around 160,000 daily commuters through the station will have the opportunity to take part in 24 daily draws, giving themselves the chance to win one of the many fantastic presents offered by the shops and displayed in each of the 24 Advent windows.

Some of the exciting prizes up for grabs include a Mondaine watch, a Brompton bike, and a camera, not to mention other great Christmas classics such as chocolates, perfume and, of course, an Advent crown!



Like last year, the new Advent calendar will take the form of a massive 4m wide cube, situated in the centre of the historic hall. As each day passes in December, a new window will be opened to reveal the prize inside!

How to participate

To enter the draw simply go to the station hall and fill in one of the entry forms left at your disposal there.  If you don’t have time to make it to the station, you can enter online at www.cff.ch/gare-de-geneve.

Action “Paniers de Noël”

On Sunday, 3 November 2017, the businesses within the station and the Geneva Red Cross invite commuters to donate items towards Christmas baskets, which will be distributed to people in need throughout Geneva.  So, if you have any tempting chocolates and biscuits in your larder, some new books and toys to offer, or even gift cards, please donate generously. For the last 25 years, the Geneva Red Cross has distributed up to 1000 baskets each Christmas!

Late-night shopping

With its 56 shops and businesses, Geneva Cornavin station is the ideal place to do your last-minute Christmas shopping. Open 7 days per week, until 21h on most days, and sometimes later during the week, you can be sure to find something in the shopping gallery. You can view the full list of shops, and see which ones are currently open, by clicking here: https://www.sbb.ch/fr/gare-services/gares/gare-de-geneve-cornavin/shopping.html

Geneva Cornavin Station
Advent Calendar Daily Draw