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BodyPassFB Noel2017

We have a great, last minute offer for our readers from Body Pass, the discount scheme which gives members immediate access to 150 of the best spas, institutes and hair salons in Switzerland and neighboring France – all at half price!

Instead of the standard price of Fr. 95.-, knowitall.ch readers need only pay Fr. 75.- for the pass, which means that it will virtually pay for itself after your first treatment!

Not only does Body Pass make an ideal treat for yourself, saving you 50% on all further treatments booked with the pass - it makes a perfect Christmas gift for family and friends!

Just enter the promotional code "noel2017" when ordering the pass.  Delivery is guaranteed before Christmas on all orders placed before this Thursday, 22 December at 15h.

Visit the Body Pass website to see what it includes and how the Smartphone App works to make your bookings.  In short, pass holders can expect a 5-star service from each of the centers listed on the website. Body Pass has carefully chosen each partner according to the quality of their treatments, the attractiveness of their surroundings and their professionalism. Thanks to the wide range of treatments offered by their partners, you can pamper all your senses with treatments that meet the most demanding requirements.

A major advantage of the application is the ability to benefit from 365 days membership from the moment you activate your pass, rather than just those days remaining between the day you purchase your pass and the launch of the next pass. With the App, you just have to follow the on-screen instructions on your smartphone to browse available partners and make your booking:

1. Select the establishment of your choice (you can try all the partners once each – that makes approximately 150 treatment sessions at half price!)
2. Choose a treatment from the list proposed.
3. Book your treatment with the establishment by telephone, quoting your membership details.
4. Validate your visit by presenting your smartphone when you arrive for your appointment.
5. Relax and enjoy your treatment.
6. Pay only 50% of the initial value of the treatment.

discount button150newBody Pass 2017 is currently available from the App Store and Google Play at the price of Fr. 85.-.  If you want to buy the app for yourself at the discounted price of Fr. 75.-, just enter the discount code "noel2017" when you make your purchase. However, if you want to benefit from the "Coffret Cadeau" as well as the special discount price of Fr. 75.-, you will need to buy the pass through the Body Pass website and enter the "noel2017" discount code.  Body Pass are guaranteeing delivery of the Coffret Cadeau on all orders placed before Thursday, 22 December at 15h, so don't delay!


Body Pass 2017
Cyril Brungger, Directeur
076 441 26 54
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.








