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GIDbracelets 500

Following the huge success of their Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign, announced recently on knowitall.ch, local entrepreneurs Barbara Traulsen and Selene Folkesson are offering knowitall.ch readers the chance to win free “neon” versions of their popular multi-functional straps, called Brappz.

The straps will make the perfect fashion accessory for any one attending Paleo this week, not just as colorful, designer bra-straps but also as stylish additions to your hair, designer bracelets around your wrist, or even trendy laces in your shoes!

The sets, which will include both luminous, silicone-based straps and 2-way detachable hooks, will be given to the first 5 knowitall.ch readers who send an email with their full name and address to Brappz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including “Know-it-all passport & Brappz” in the subject line.

The Neon sets will be sent by A post to the 5 winners so if you apply now, you should get your strap sets tomorrow or the day after!  So, if you want to stand out from the crowd this week, send your details to Brappz now!

For those following the Kickstarter campaign, Brappz has just announced that  224 backers pledged Fr. 32,175.- towards the campaign, far surpassing the original funding goal of Fr. 25,000.-. Barbara and Selene would like thank all the backers who supported them during this process, including our readers on knowitall.ch!
