• Coffee and Creations
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A new exhibition showcasing the work of local female entrepreneurs and artists has just been launched in Nyon.

Taking place from 9h00 to 19h00 on Saturday, 6 September, the La Côte Women's Fair will provide visitors with the opportunity to find out more about local businesses offering products and services ranging from language tuition, personalized photos on canvas, and Swiss pearl jewelry, through to quality tea, fashion, home security, life style advice, interior decoration, and homemade chocolates and cakes.

At 11h30 and 14h30 there will be a special presentation about ikebana flower arranging by event organizer, Yoshiko Luebke.  Yoshiko told knowitall.ch,

“I am really pleased to be involved in such an exciting project, which brings together the work of so many talented women living in this region.  We have chosen the Beau Rivage Hotel as the venue for this event, as we wanted to create a friendly atmosphere where women, both English- and French-speaking, can share their work with the local community in a small, but intimate location, reputed for its high quality of service. I am also planning a conference by a language coaching specialist, and hopefully classical music to animate the day.”

La Côte Women’s Fair is being sponsored by Jims British Market – a prime example of a successful business that continues to go from strength to strength, by offering innovative services to the expat community. Following the opening of its grocery store in St. Genis-Pouilly, France, Jims British Market has now opened a second store in Gland, Switzlerand, as well as an online service via its website, www.jims.ch. The virtual marketplace for artisans and craftsmen, www.artnegoce.ch, and the insurance broker, Jessimo, are two more examples of entrepeneurial businesses, which have recently launched in the region and which are also sponsoring the event.

Anyone interested in promoting their own services or products to the local and expat communities should contact Yoshiko for more information about how to exhibit at the event.  Given the size of the location, there will be a limit to the number of exhibitors who will be able to have a stand. However, in the event that all the stands are taken, it may still be possible to promote your services through flyers, which will be on display throughout the day.

La Côte Women’s Fair
Saturday 6 September, 9h00 to 18h00
Hotel Beau Rivage, Nyon
Yoshiko Luebke
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079 563 3779