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Claim your 20% knowitall.ch discount on all orders made before 31 May 2014

Current research indicates that introducing young children to puzzles at an early age can help them develop problem solving, mathematical, spatial and social skills.  An early start can apparently also help in keeping Alzheimer’s at bay as you get older.

It is for these reasons, that local mom, Chandana Sen, started buying puzzles for her own son when he was about 9 months old. She told knowitall.ch, “I used to source jigsaws as well as educational board games in English for my son from outside Switzerland as I could not find anything suitable or attractively priced here. Other parents also started showing interest in my son’s puzzles and, within a short period of time, I realized the potential for starting my own online business, www.puzzleyoga.com, selling puzzles in this country!”

Chandana sells puzzles for toddlers, kids, teenagers and adults. She defines puzzles as anything that intrigues the mind, so she stocks anything from walking penguins with flapping feet for a toddler, through to jigsaw puzzles for preschoolers and above, wooden 3D puzzles for the 7 year old, creativity kits and acrylic 3D jigsaw puzzles for preteens, and the tough Hanayama metal puzzles for teenagers and adults.


Chandana told us, ”The Hanayama range is quite simply one of the most inspiring collections of puzzles ever created. When you first look at the cast metal shapes which have been interlinked together you can’t believe they will be that difficult to pull apart! Even if you do eventually succeed, it can take hours to put them back together again!”

She added, “ Some of our puzzles are also quite decorative, and look perfect on the coffee table. We have a juicy red apple that looks great on the fruit bowl – until you pull it apart and try to put it back together again!  Our red rose is also a winner at dinner parties for entertaining the guests! ”

All products are vetted by Chandana’s family and friends before they are sold online so there are no franchised/branded goods on her site. Instead, you will see a range of items that have been personally tested by children of all ages, and their parents. It’s no surprise that with strategy games like jungle chess to peek the imagination of young kids that many of her products sell out so quickly. But don’t worry, you can send an email to be notified as soon as they are back in stock!


Products are divided into 4 main categories on the site: Below 4 years, 5 to 8 years, 9 to 12 years, teenagers and adults.  Just visit the website to see the wide range of products available, which vary in price from just a few francs for a 2 piece jigsaw puzzle up to Fr. 35.- for the Hanayama puzzles.

discount-button150newTo encourage more customers to try out some of her products, Chandana is offering knowitall.ch readers an exclusive 20% discount on all products ordered between 28 April 2014 and 31 May 2014.  Just enter this code, knowitall, when you place your order via the site.

Chandana Sen