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  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Lake Geneva poster
  • Coffee and Creations



This is the time of the year when we are all looking for shortcuts in the kitchen. Even though you have prepared and shopped and gifted and baked, no amount of organization will see you through to the end of the holidays without a hiccup here and there.


While doing a quick shop at Denner supermarket the other day, I reached into the promotional bin near to see what great deal they were offering that week. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the cutest little cabin-shaped ice cream log of just the right size, and boasting the cutest price of only Fr. 4.95!


This is just the kind of thing that is great to have on hand for an emergency dessert that will have all the guests raving about it. They won’t be offended that you didn’t make it yourself!


Before I recommended it though, my handy team of samplers put it through its paces, and sliced off the first slice to see if “what you see is what you get”. This is the result of our test:

  1. The size is generous: 1000 ml (to you and me that is 1 liter) and you can slice about 8-10 slabs of cabin — 10/10
  2. The taste is a rich and gorgeous chocolate ice cream and a roof made of soft whipped cream with flakes of white chocolate that give a nice texture — 10/10
  3. The contrast between window/door and rest of cabin is not as contrasted as the photo on the box — a disappointing 5/10
  4. One of the testers is convinced that he was able to taste the difference between door and wall. The other testers could not. — 8/10


If you want to improve the decor, why not buy some little cake decorations like Santa, people, trees, wreaths, flowers, etc. and present it like it came from an expensive bakery!


So my recommendation of the month goes to Denner. Not only for this delicious cake but also the frozen - slice - bake cookie dough bought last year (see photo below) for another incredibly cheap price. I haven’t looked for it this year in the freezer section but the kids really enjoyed making and eating them so I will have to check it out again! 





Nearby shops are located all around Switzerland.


This article was contributed by Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman. If you have a DEAL OF THE MONTH to recommend to our readers, please send in a text and at least one landscape photo toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..