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visualsouvenirs pirates

Exclusive 20% discount for knowitall.ch clients on first-time orders placed before the end of 2013.

If you own a video camera, the chances are that you have hours and hours of video footage of your family and friends that you simply don’t have time to edit, or even watch. The amount of footage you have builds up so quickly that eventually the idea of editing it becomes so overwhelming that it sits in the cupboard, untouched, for years.

Although there are many software packages on the market, which claim to make the task of creating home videos relatively easy for the novice editor, they are very time consuming and can take a long time to learn to achieve the desired effect.

Recognizing what a problem this can be for many busy people, experienced journalist and editor, Zuzana Hevler, has recently set up her own business in Geneva, called VisualSouvenirs, creating home videos for clients. As a mother of two children, Zuzana understands only too well the desire of families to capture their special memories on video, and has spent many evenings editing her own family videos after the children have gone to bed. So when she was looking for a way to juggle her career with the demands of motherhood, the idea of setting her up her own movie-editing business seemed the natural choice.

visualsouvenirs brithdayparty

Explaining the benefits of her new service to knowitall.ch, Zuzana said, “ I often speak to families who have spent hours getting stressed about filming some memorable occasion, not fully engaging in the event just so that they can capture the best possible footage – only to abandon the raw footage on a shelf, never to be appreciated again. With modern video cameras, it is now possible to get excellent, high resolution video footage, but this is completely wasted if it is never viewed again, especially if it is so long that no-one has the time to sit down and watch it!”

Zuzana continued, “At VisualSouvenirs, I will take your raw footage and splice it, add music, intersperse it with photos, and create a movie, with a truly personal feel. As an impartial video editor, with journalistic experience, I am able to use the material provided to create a story that takes into consideration all the initial reasons for making the video but which, most importantly, is relevant to the final audience, and not just the people who took the original video. It is always amazing to see the smiles and even tears of joys on the faces of those who watch the movies I have made – you can’t beat it for job satisfaction!”

Zuzana offers 4 main movie packages, adapted to the specific needs of her clients. Whether clients are looking for a short 2 minute film or a much longer 20 minute production, VisualSouvenirs can accommodate their needs. In each case, the duration of the final montage will depend on the length of the original raw footage. In most cases, Zuzana requires just 7 working days from receipt of the unedited material to create a final video, but longer videos may require up to 10 working days. Click here to view the various options available.

visualsouvenirs skiing

Zuzana can receive footage in various forms, although USB flash drive or dropbox transfer are two of the most common ways digital material is delivered to her. A small additional fee is charged for footage supplied in miniDV format. Using the very latest Final Cut Pro X video editing software, Zuzana will then review all footage to create a short, entertaining movie, including transitions, special effects and titles. The final version will include stabilization, color adjustment if necessary, and audio enhancement – and will be cut to music either supplied by the client or recommended by Zuzana. When the final video is ready, the client will receive a personalized DVD, which can be copied as many times as required for pesonal use.

Although most of Zuzana’s movies are created for families wishing to create a visual souvenir of their own personal special memories, such as children growing up, birthday parties, and weddings, Zuzana will also create videos for organizations that require a short video to promote their services. Schools and children’s clubs may also use her services to create a souvenir of a special occasion such as a field trip or camp.

Indeed one client, Gabriela Blovska, told us, “I run a children’s club and each year we have a summer camp. This year, for the first time, we used the services of VisualSouvenirs and what a great souvenir we received! The thing I like most about the movie is the way it tells a story about little pirates who are hunting for treasure. The music was also carefully selected to compliment the activities we filmed. Thanks to the video, we are now able to remember all the fun we had, and relive the great moments we experienced at any time we wish. Now, from our week-long summer Pirate Hunt Camp, we have got 15 minutes of action and fun that can be watched over and over. Both kids and parents love it. I don’t know yet what the theme for next year ‘s summer camp will be, but we are definitely going to request another movie!”

visualsouvenirs baby

Another client who ordered a video about her son, Matej, for his grandparents, told us, “I asked Zuzana to create a personal video along the theme of “the first 1000 days of his life”. Ordering the Platinum Package video service, I sent Zuzana 3.5 hours of homemade raw video footage, and from this we received 18 minutes of lovely, fresh, amusing and appealing storytelling, all combined into one wonderful, highly emotional movie. We can´t stop watching it! I decided to give the movie as a present to Matej´s grandparents and it was an instant success! I really appreciated Zuzana´s personal approach, especially when she consulted with me about our chosen topic, and our preferred shots, pictures and music. I´m really looking forward to seeing the video of the next 1000 days...!”

As Christmas approaches and people start looking for present ideas, Zuzana is offering a special discount on her services, exclusive to knowitall.ch clients.

discount-button150newWith an impressive 20% reduction on all first-time orders placed before the end of 2013, there can be no better occasion to start thinking about transferring your video footage into a personalized video, packed with special memories! Just mention this article when you contact VisualSouvenirs to discuss your requirements, either by telephone, email or via the website form.

Since most of Zuzana’s work is handled digitally, there are no limits on where she can deliver her videos. So whether you are based in Switzerland or France, or even further afield, you can expect the same level of service as if you were based in Geneva!

Zuzana Hevler
Visual Souvenirs

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
078 626 79 71