• Lake Geneva poster
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The 8th edition of Know-it-all passport®, the popular English-language guidebook for Geneva, Vaud and neighboring France, has just been published and has now been distributed to local outlets. Click here for a full list of distribution points.

A team of 17 people updated the latest edition, which includes over 750 pages and features literally hundreds of new entries. In response to customer demand, two new sections covering RULES AND REGULATIONS and DISCOUNTS AND MONEY MATTERS have also been added.

The book is divided into 8 sections that can be easily identified by a blue band down the side of the page and full-page photos, which were sent in for our photography contest - see the winner's names here. Thousands of individual entries can also be

accessed via the 27-page index at the back of the book. The 2 bookmarks attached with a ribbon to the binding still remain as popular as before; a sure-fire way to keep your place as you peruse the book!

"I love your book. We moved to Geneva almost one year ago and I bought it at my local Manor. I have  used it so much and dog-eared so many pages that my husband laughs whenever I flip through it."

"What a great 'bible' for those Anglophones in the region. I haven't seen this much collected information in one place in such detail before. It provides a valuable resource for professional and personal use."

 "Just wanted to send you a thanks for all the work you do each week for the Know-it-all passport guide.We spent 4 years in Vaud and your book was our bible for the area. And the weekly updates made sure we got out and enjoyed all Switzerland had to offer. Thanks for helping make our Swiss adventure so exciting." 

"Since it was first published in 1999 “Know-it-all passport” has been a mine of information to many expatriates living in the Lake Geneva and Vaud area. It keeps getting bigger and better with each new issue.  This book is a “must buy” on any expat’s list, whether they have been here for just 12 days or 12 years."


BOOK LAUNCH: Please come to the book launch of the new edition of Know-it-all passport 2013/2014. 

Payot Chantepoulet, 5 rue Chantepoulet
1201 Genève 

Thursday, September 13th, 18h-20h

This is your opportunity to meet and have your copy signed by Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman! Same price, more info, more pages, new chapters! Enjoy a glass of wine or juice and a small snack while you browse the rest of the bookshop that remains open until 20h that evening. This particular shop has the largest English books section in the area.

Don't forget that the same evening will be our book launch for another publication: Education Guide Switzerland 2012/2014. Read about it here.