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Patrick Mathieu and Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman

This is the second in a series of discount articles you might not be aware about.

If you haven't already discovered amazing discount deals for residents to the area, then read on. And please send us any ones we can share to our readers. These are NOT sponsored entries. These are Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman's, editor of Know-it-all passport®, personal recommendations.

Sun Store - non prescription pharmacy discount

Sun Store is more than a pharmacy that serves up prescriptions. It's a place where you can get advice, vaccinations, heart rate check-ups, nutritional and dietary advice, diabetic monitoring, airborne allergy testing, and take advantage of its wide range of shopping ideas. 

Sun Store and the Swiss Heart Foundation actively support you in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. You can ask for a CardioTest® at any Sun Store (donators of the Swiss Heart Foundation receive a voucher; CHF 49.- for others). Sun Store also will mesure your cholesterol rate (total, HDL and LDL), blood sugar and blood pressure) and evaluate the risk in percentage of cardiovascular diseases in the next ten years. CardioTest®, Diabetotest®, and Allergotest® are brand names for these tests.

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Sun Store serves about 100,000 customers a day throughout Switzerland and employs over 1,700 people. With over 85 addresses, Sun Store is the leading pharmacy chain in French-speaking Switzerland, and also has three addresses in Ticino.

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I visited with Mr. Patrick Mathieu, pictured above, director of Sun Store Versoix. Never a friendlier and helpful person you will meet! He goes out of his way to make sure his staff and customers are happy. He is passionate about his career and even offers to do talks at local international organizations about nutrition and diet.

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He will take customers to a privatized room where all generations can discuss problems they are having. This is also the room used for vaccinations and heart checks. They are also equiped for immediate first aid before you go to a hospital or a doctor. All the staff are more than helpful and will suggest the right solution.

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Gluten-free items

Sunclub cards

Make sure to buy your cosmetics, sun block, vitamins, cat and dog flea and tick drops, Royal Canin dog and cat food, gluten free items (pictured above), and any other item that is not a prescription and receive a 10% discount (only with the SunClub Premium card; for SunClub standard holders only points cumulated other days than the 10th of the month). The 10th of the month is a day not to be missed at Sun Store; take advantage of a 19% discount for SunClub Premium card, both in the online store and in your local Sun Store pharmacy.

Here is how it works: Check first to see if you have Assura or Groupe Mutuel insurance. If you do, then you are eligible to pay 1/2 price off the Sunclub Premium card (CHF 15.- with discount; CHF 30.- standard price for 1 year, CHF 25.- with discount; CHF 50.- standard price for 2 years). Either way, it pays itself off quite quickly.


The Sunclub premium card gives most advantages (10% all month and 19% on the 10th of each month), and the free Sunclub card allows 10% off only on the 10th of each month.

You also gain points with each purchase (CHF 1.- = 1 point). When you get to 500 points within the year, a CHF 5.- voucher is obtained to be used immediately or at a later date (can be cumulated with additional sets of 500 points therefore adding up to CHF 10.-, CHF 15.-, CHF 20.-, etc.).

receipt Lisa

As I have the Premium card, I was able to take advantage of buying 2 disinfectant sprays that were already at 20% off (if buying 2 Merfen brand products), and then received an additional 10% off that! So instead of paying CHF 9.70 per spray, I paid CHF 6.95! Check out the receipt above and the shelf display at the bottom of the article. It also shows how many points I have accumulated so far. If I had waited until the 10th of the month, I could have had 19% off instead! 

Seasonal products are displayed prominantly and often have some kind of discount.

You can use the card and discounts for online purchasing for delivery or pick-up. As all Sun Stores are linked, you can pick up prescriptions at any of the addresses. Check before going to make sure they have in stock and you must give them permission to your medical data already entered in your regular Sun Store.

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Pharmacie Sun Store Versoix
Chemin Jean-Baptiste Vandelle 8A
1290 Versoix
058 878 61 50

Underground free parking up to one hour under the Boléro restaurant (note: under Coop is minimum CHF 1.-)

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Next time we will showcase another great discount you might have missed.

Previous article in this series: TheFork: Restaurant discounts you might not know about!

The chapter entitled Discounts starting on page 687 of the 11th edition of Know-it-all passport® also has some other interesting addresses.

All photo credits: Lisa Cirieco-Ohlman 2024