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Catherine Baum, founder of Baum Cosmetics, explained to knowitall.ch, "After 32 years of living in Burkina Faso, I settled in Switzerland in 2019 with the idea to brand a series of natural cosmetics. The two harsh environments that make plants particularly potent, the Swiss Alps and sub-Saharan Africa, seemed like the perfect match and I was very inspired."

Not only is there distinct contrasts between the two, but also similarities. Mixing real Swiss alpine plants with precious sub-saharian oils with shea butter allowed a greater benefit from the best of both worlds. It was a match made in heaven and the idea was born.

trio produts

In 1993, I decided to take "my skin in hand", so to speak, and I learned from Burkina women how to process shea butter to benefit from its wonderful benefits. I then added other sub-Saharan oils in synergy with active ingredients to enrich my cosmetic preparations.


My family and friends were the first to try my products and seeing results and encouragement from them, I decided to take it to a professional level. She explains, "I am taking training courses in cosmetic emulsions in Paris, in aromatherapy "well-being and beauty" in Brussels, in cosmetic regulations for Switzerland and the EU and in the manufacture/formulation of natural cosmetics in Switzerland."

Baum all naturals® comes in a three ranges:

  • BaumEclat: offers Swiss made cosmetic treatments for skin radiance: problem skin, mature skin
  • BaumeXtreme: offers Swiss made cosmetic treatments to cope with harsh climatic conditions
  • BaumEssentiel: offers 100% natural and simple wellness treatments, for the essentials of your beauty

Catherine told knowitall.ch that she has discounted prices listed for any Baum all naturals® purchases through the website until 24.12.2022.

prepa labo

You can purchase these products through the website or by appointment at the laboratory in Geneva. Catherine is also looking for more outlets for her product and would be happy to meet up with groups to demonstrate her products.

BAUM all naturals®
Catherine Baum
Rue de Montchoisy 40 (by appointment weekdays 9-18h)
1207 Genève
076 214 68 18
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