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Note: All the stamps shown in this article (except the supplementary ones) will be released on 10 November 2022 but you can already pre-order at this link.

Christmas stamps
Every year, Swiss Post’s Christmas special stamps prove highly popular and Swiss Post's 2022 whimsical series with woodland animals will not disappoint.

An incredible number of rituals and traditions surround Christmas. The new stamps showcase the various preparations for this great celebration while surprising in a humorous way. In the snow-capped forest there is a lot of excitement: the hare has bought a beautiful Christmas tree and is racing out of the forest on his sled, the deer are tangled up in the Christmas lights and the little mouse hurrying to bring you your Christmas letter.

The subjects were the result of a design contest and Post Office staff members were given the opportunity to vote for their favorite designs worth 90, 110 and 180 centimes.


Stained glass stamps - Nativity and Angel

Two magnificent stamps pay tribute to the cultural and historical richness of sacred art in Switzerland. They represent fragments of stained glass windows from the collegiate church in Bern and the convent in Königsfelden. The subject of the 110 centime stamp is a nativity scene from the "Youth of Christ" stained glass window in the monastery church of Königsfelden. This church near Windisch was built for the Habsburg family as a place of remembrance following the assassination of King Albert I. The stained glass windows in the chevet, depicting the birth of Christ, were created just before the building was inaugurated in 1330 and are an expression of the skills of the time.

The 230 centime stamp is dedicated to an angel in the "Mystic Mill" stained glass window of the collegiate church in Bern. This stained glass window in the choir of the building, which was erected in 1425, has been preserved almost unchanged. What it represents is not easy to interpret. Located in a part of the church once reserved exclusively for the clergy, the window, which was made between 1448 and 1453 by an unknown master glassmaker, was intended for a discerning public.


Lego® stamps
This partnership with the LEGO® group has issued two new illustrations, the Chalet and the Cow, in collaboration with the Swiss Post. Let's bet that children will not be the only ones to be seduced! The Danish company, which is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, has gained worldwide fame with its legendary LEGO® building blocks. The company was delighted to be asked by the Swiss Post to design stamps, and was happy to use authentic Swiss motifs in the design. The LEGO® group chose the cow and the chalet as typically Swiss themes for the stamps.


Supplementing older stamps
To provide anyone who still has older stamps (100, 130, 180), Swiss Post has issued three supplementary values. Their design is wonderfully simple. When the designer’s task is to symbolize the values of 5, 10 and 20 centimes, what could be more appropriate than depicting the relevant Swiss coins? Just put one of these to supplement your older stamps to reach the correct amount.

To order your stamps, please go to the website. Most post offices don't carry special stamps in stock.
