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mia book

When we found out about how a 7 year-old wrote and published a book, we had to share her story!

Mia was upset by the level of homelessness she saw when her family traveled to Vietnam; the way people wouldn't make eye contact with those on the street. She wanted to write a book to teach others how simple it is to be kind to others; as well as touch on environmental and animal issues. She is raising money through the sales of the book to school young girls in Uganda: Mia is now an Ambassador for Precious Kids Foundation. We asked Mia, now age 10, a few questions to find out how a young girl becomes an inspiration!

Tell us a bit more about yourself
I am now 10 years old and I was born in Geneva. I spent my first years in Verbier, and came back to Geneva 3 years ago. My mother is American and my father is British but I've spent my whole life in Switzerland. I am a student at the International School of Geneva, LGB campus.

What has been the inspiration behind doing this book?
I decided to write my book after I went on a family holiday to Vietnam when I was seven. It is where my grandmother is from and I am a 1/4 Vietnamese so I was excited to see the country. What I saw was a lot of homeless people and a lot of pollution. What upset me most was seeing how other adults treated the homeless. They never looked anyone in the eyes or even said "hello", not to mention trying to help them! I was very angry. They are people too! I decided that adults needed to remember what it means to be kind. I think that when people get older they get focused on their jobs and making money and they forget the small things that matter. I thought if I could write a book that showed people how easy it is to make small acts of kindness even some of the time, if we all did it, it would already have a big effect.

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Have you been working on this idea forever, or was it something that came to you recently?
I wrote my book when I was 7 after coming home from the trip to Vietnam. I told my mom I wanted to teach everyone to remember to care about the small things. She typed out what I wanted to say on her computer. It sat there until last year. I had told my mom that I wanted to speak at the UN one day, and she told me about a conference with women that she was going to and that maybe I could speak there. They allowed me to speak on "The Power of Kindness" and after that, someone approached my mom to say I should write a book. 

What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
I did not know how to get a book published. While my mother and myself were in Egypt for a women's conference which I spoke at, I was approached by a publicist who recommended that I write a book. When I told her I already had, we were given the details of a publisher of children's books.

What are your plans for the future? Will you do another book?
When I grow up, I want to go to law school like my dad, I think. I want to be able to help change laws so they help people in need and also speak about kindness and taking care of the environment. I wrote a letter to President Trump to ask him to make a law that makes companies pay more for their plastic packaging because I would always get toys from America from my grandmother and they were full of plastic packaging. He never responded to me. I still think its important that we all do what we can to fight for what we believe in.

What is your favorite quote from the book and why?
My favorite quote from the book was also part of my speech that I gave on "The Power of Kindness". It is, "At what age do we stop caring? Kids understand that we should be kind to others but adults seem to be too busy. So, at what age do we STOP caring?" I also started a facebook page with my mom called Kids Inspire Humanity and my quote is "We are all human beings but we are not all being human."


Mia has kindly offered to give a signed copy of her book to one lucky knowitall.ch reader, a €22.65 value. Just fill in this form and let us know: How old was Mia when she first wrote Through the Eyes of a Child?

Only one entry per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Thursday, 5 November 2020. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner's name drawn at random on Friday, 6 November 2020. The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes. Only valid for delivery to a Swiss address.


Through the Eyes of a Child
by Mia

ISBN 1952884837
Click here for Amazon.de link


Competition winner: E D W A R D   T A Y L O R