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  • Lake Geneva poster
  • Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Coffee and Creations

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© veronica elena photography

We have been following the evolution of Brappz since the beginning; read our article from 2014 at this link. Brappz even participated in one of our Know-it-all Marketplace pop up shops and was a hit with our clients.

Now, we have good news and bad news... the bad news is that Barbara Traulsen and Selene Folkesson have set their sights on new personal goals and are therefore looking to hand over Brappz; the good news is that they are selling all Brappz products at 70% off the original prices through midnight 30 June 2020! But before they close the doors, we caught up with Barbara to get the back story for our readers.

What has been the inspiration behind Brappz?
The inspiration dates back to the year 2000 when T-shirts with “col bateau” were in fashion. I did not like the straps peeking out and at the time a lady in a store in Villars said to me that I should be able to find assorted color straps that are very fashionable… however, I found nothing as she described and that was the first time the idea start incubating in my head. See the photo below.

Birthplace Brappz Idea

Have you been working on this idea forever, or was it something that came to you recently?
It was when I met Selene and we worked well together on a local sport club website, that we decided we wanted to start a a business. We made a short list of 10 business ideas and while looking at 2 to 3 we ended up deciding and committing to this one. Her coming from a marketing background and myself from the finance side, we realized we complemented each other well.

What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
The obstacles came in phases:

  1. Designing and creating a product that works and that is sustainable (versus a short term fashion fad)
  2. Finding suppliers for our product
  3. Creating a web shop
  4. Funding growth
  5. Today we realize that THE major challenge is distribution and AI marketing capabilities together with the funding this takes…
    It would have been amazing to have an army of sales persons. Every time we present Brappz, people are astonished about the materials, the simplicity of the concept, the customization and the versatility… the comment we have heard most is “wow, I have never seen anything like this…"

In the end too much for 2 people to handle and it is precisely for this last challenge/reason that we are looking for someone to take over Brappz to take it to the next level. We have proof of concept that our athleisure jewelry works not only in fashion, but also as a promotional, fundraising and licensed product.

Where do you see this company going?
We truly hope to find a company to add Brappz as a product extension or a dynamic entrepreneur interested in taking this on in the sports industry as licensed fan product for women, a well underserved market.

What is your favorite product you offer and why?
Of course using the straps as shoulder jewelry! I especially like the metallic versions as it gives a neutral look to any top I wear and I do not have to worry about bra straps peeking out. Plus I love the comfort of the soft and elastic silicone on my shoulders. I don’t know if I could go back to normal straps. Then I love to wear a denim colored strap bracelet with several gold or rose gold charms for everyday jewelry.

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Have a look at our instagram profile for photos of our products and how they can be worn in creative ways. Above is a photo of Selene and myself, with Ana Ramirez Keegstra — our right hand woman for all things Brappz since day one! We thank her so much for always being there at the Solheim Cup last September 2019 in Scotland, at our last major event, where we promoted our licensed Solheim Cup golf marker charm bracelets (bottom photo). Also my all time favorite picture with Mia showing the bra strap and the matching yellow bracelet below and the one of Model Keli at top of article.

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Although hard work, it has been such a fun journey! We have a story to tell for every little piece that is in our showroom, plus the people we have met througout the journey have been amazing, supportive and we want to thank each one of them!

Anything else you think our readers would like to know.
Yes, that we are still looking for the enthusiastic entrepreneur wanting to take Brappz to that next level... Please contact us for more information if you are that person! It is very emotional to turn the page, but there is a moment one has to take a decision.

We wish them all the luck in moving on to new pastures.

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Barbara and Selene will be answering any inquiries for business proposals until the end of the year.
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079 687 60 06