• Junking Excursions with Lisa
  • Lake Geneva poster
  • Coffee and Creations
  • Living in Nyon

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The International Women Club of Nyon (IWCN) was founded in 1987 as a non-profit organisation for English-speaking women residing in Nyon and the surrounding region. Its purpose is to promote friendly contacts among women of all nationalities through multiple activities and to help facilitate the integration of newcomers. The IWCN consists of approximately 550 members taking part in more than 50 interests groups, ranging from cookery and culture to sports and languages. Most of these take place during the working day.

The Club is managed by volunteers, and all members are encouraged to give their support by offering some of their time, talents and skills to the functioning of the Club activities. A weekly mail Newsletter, The Digest, gives information on local events, items for sale/rent and includes advertisements from non-members. A monthly publication, The Grapevine, keeps members informed of Club activity, coffee mornings, local excursions, trips abroad and special events.

A big part of the Club is to get funding for the donations to organisations that relate to women and children in need at the local -and international level. The Charity Committee select with organisations that will be funded. Every year the Charity Committee is organising a book sale in October at the new coming event to fund money. In December every year, the Charity Committee provide with refreshment for the December Christmas Carol Concert and donation given at the concert goes to an organisation. In 2018 the donation went to the One-Dollar-Glasses.

A Swiss-born Max Steiner decided in the year 2000 to move to Bolivia, the home country of his wife, and founded Hostelling Bolivia. What started with the installation of youth hostels and adventure travelling is today a well-known charity organization. Max Steiner’s latest project is called One-Dollar-Glasses, and it aims to cover the entire country. A German maths teacher in Erlangen started the project. He wanted to create glasses for one dollar to support people in developing countries. It took two years to create a box to produce glasses in the simplest way possible. His first field test succeeded in 2012 in Uganda and later spread to several other African countries. It has now reached Bolivia. Max Steiner goes to rural areas, organizes eye tests and is able, with his team of helpers to manufacture glasses right away for those in need. At a later stage, people in rural areas will be trained to continue this work.

As a result, besides the amazing possibility to bring eyesight correction to people who have never seen an optician or had any glasses, this project also creates work. A 10 $ donation will give a person a pair of glasses.

Every year the Club gives Migros vouchers to ARAS ( Nyon Social Services) to help to add a bit of holiday sparkle and joy to region`s most vulnerable families. 


The Club biggest funding is done every second year when the Club organises a Charity Bazar in Nyon in December. This year the IWCN decided to have a Charity Fair in March to make it more fresh and lively. The new IWCN Charity Fair will take place on Saturday 9 March in Nyon from 10h00 at the Salle communale, Place Perdtemps. Come and discover a myriad of stalls offering fashion, jewellery, crafts, gardening gifts, books, Swiss specialties, English cards, toys and games, sports goods, and our very own brocante. Buy a ticket and walk away with a guaranteed prize from the bottle stall! For the discerning palate, taste our homemade cakes, jams, and Indian spices. Not forgetting the Bistro with hot and cold meals, a Vegan stand and Irish coffee! After all this, why not relax in our Wellness Room with a massage or manicure at rock bottom prices. Visit the Charity Stand to learn which projects your generosity will support.

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Listening to chatter:

  • "I got so many bargains, it was like Christmas!." 
  • "I always come for the cupcakes, you can't get them anywhere else!" 
  • "I just love reading, and I walked away with a year's supply for the price of two new ones!"
  • "It's a win-win day: I get lovely things at rock-bottom prices, and I hear Sfr25,000 goes to helping those who can't even afford to eat."
  • "I never realized that you could eat home-made food at the Bistro so cheaply".

What the president of the club had to say:

  • Janet Brown, Former President of the IWCN at the last Bazaar: "There is no doubt about the first thing I want to say: THANK YOU! On the day of the Bazaar what showed was a superb team effort which brought Club members together in a common purpose and strengthened our links with the local community."

The International Women Club of Nyon - IWCN
Spring Fair - 9 March 2019
Nyon, VD

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