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entreacte nomade

L'Entreacte Nomade

As of February 2020, Le Court du Mois offers short films their big comeback in cinemas. Every first Friday of the month, starting on 7 February 2020, around 140 cinemas throughout Switzerland will screen the same Swiss short film before all the day's screenings.

Every first Friday of the month

The short film is making a big comeback in Swiss cinemas thanks to the Court du mois, a project launched in May 2018 by Base-Court. The association Base-Court in Lausanne programs short films all year round throughout Switzerland: notably during the Short Film Night Circuit (Tournée de la Nuit du Court Métrage) co-organised with the International Kurzfilmtage Winterthur festival, or via projects as varied as the Entracte Nomade in Yverdon or during the CinéTransat festival in Geneva - among many other events.

Send in your submission

The vocation of Le Court du Mois is twofold: on the one hand, to bring the short film format back to the cinema screens, and on the other, to give special recognition to recent, prolific and high-quality Swiss productions that circulate little outside the festival circuit. Le Court du Mois is also an opportunity to offer a springboard with exceptional visibility for local filmmakers, with an average of 26,000 spectator-ices per month. Nearly 140 cinemas throughout Switzerland are responding to the call of Base-Court and are already partners in this project, in all the French-speaking cantons and in four German-speaking cantons. The programing is monthly: every first Friday of the month, a Swiss short film of up to 4 minutes is shown in all partner cinemas, before all the programs of the day - and of course at no extra cost to the public. Le Court du Mois 2020 is supported by Swissperform.



February's Le Court du Mois: Ground Play
For this revival of Le Court du Mois 2020, a Swiss short film with a rare technique, in sand animation, was chosen. The film deals with a universal and highly topical theme: the fragile future of the planet, in the hands of human beings. A young girl blows up a balloon, which symbolizes the Earth, until it explodes. The Court of the Month for February is Ground Play by Zurich-based director and artist Christina Benz. This ecological short film for all audiences (legal age: 0 years old, suggested age: 8 years old).

Next month's film will be held on Friday 6 March 2020 so look out for it or check the website below for details.

Call for films
Base-Court is calling for films that meet the criteria of Le Court du Mois. Films must be no longer than 4 minutes, including credits. They can be fiction, animation or documentary. The content must be aimed at all audiences, as the film is shown in the pre-program of all sessions on the first Friday of the month, for both children and adults. Filmmakers wishing to propose a short film are invited to send their film to Base-Court. 

Le Court du Mois

  • Nearly 140 partner cinemas
  • 81 screens in French-speaking Switzerland
  • 56 screens in German-speaking Switzerland
  • 26,000 spectators per month on average 360,000 spectators since the launch
  • Audiences of all ages
  • National coverage
  • Subtitling in French and/or German
  • Remuneration for short films selected
  • No registration fee

Send your film to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information and details of partner cinemas: www.base-court.ch/evenements/le-court-du-mois/presentation