• Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva

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An opportunity to meet new people, be creative and learn a new skill has just arrived in Geneva, at the Galerie Branca in Eaux Vives.

Founded by local entrepreneur, Olivia Johnson Hilton, Meet & Make chic craft classes and workshops include short courses teaching a new skill such as sewing, knitting or fabric printing, as well as individual workshops focusing on customizing readymade objects.   Open to those with all levels of craft experience, the workshops are designed around completing a specific project so that participants can meet new people, discover new skills, and take home something beautiful at the end.

Asked where she got the idea for her new creative classes, Olivia told knowitall.ch, "I first developed the concept for chic craft classes in London with my popular bachelorette party sessions, Pimp Your Pants,  where participants would customise lingerie using rosettes and ribbons.  Adapting the concept to Geneva, I have now decided to focus on a more family-oriented market with projects for 'your home, your little ones and yourself'. The aim of the workshops is also more evenly split between making, creating and meeting, with the transitional nature of Geneva expat life in mind."

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Meet and Make is no Grandma's decoupage class.  All workshops are designed around a central themed concept from making retro fairy and superhero costumes, to hand-printing notebooks or even restyling a plain cashmere cardigan with glamorous buttons and fur collars. The finest haberdashery from small European manufacturers, vintage fabrics and professional printing pastes have been carefully sourced to create a 'craft deluxe' experience. Workshops are kept inclusive with specially developed learn-it-in-five-minutes techniques anyone can master.

All Meet & Make workshops offer the opportunity to create customized products with names and initials included in designs.  Six-week Meet & Make courses provide participants with the skills they need to hand-craft their own things, how they want them, as well as giving the satisfaction of creating something with your own hands.

Classes and workshops will initially be taught in English to fill a gap in the market for anglophone adult education in Geneva.  However a welcoming atmosphere remains for French speakers and classes can also be taught in French. One of the aims of Meet & Make is to allow French speakers to meet English speakers and vice versa.  French speakers can also use the classes as a natural way of practicing their English in a relaxed atmosphere.

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In short, the atmosphere at Meet & Make workshops is fun, informal and convivial. Visit the Meet & Make website to find out what workshops Olivia has planned in the weeks leading up to Christmas - you can be sure she will have some great ideas for making Christmas decorations! This workshop with a Sandinavian theme looks lots of fun on Saturday 29 November.

Meet & Make
Olivia Johnson Hilton
079 309 9053
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Workshops: Tuesday mornings plus some Saturdays
(Christmas decorations with a Scandi theme: Saturday 29 November from 10h to 12h)
Beginners sewing course: Thursdays

Galerie Branca
Rue Maunoir 4