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The following photos show the Winners and Runners-up for the AMATEUR PHOTO COMPETITION FOR KNOW-IT-ALL PASSPORT® 2015/2016.

With around 400 entries, there was a fantastic choice so we would also like to show some that almost made it into the book! The first section shows the Winners, and the second shows the Runners-up photos and how they would have looked if they had been printed in the book.

Click on each of the photos to see an enlarged view.

Each of the winners and runners-up will be invited to see the next edition of Know-it-all passport ® 2015/2016 going to print - more details to follow!


2015YourHome 200 2015Travel 200
2015food new 200 2015leisure 200
2015education 200 2015family 200
2015shopping 200 2015information 200
2015Contributors 200  



2015yourhome runner 200 2015Travel runner 200
2015food runner 200 2015Food runner2 200
2015leisure runner 200 2015education runner 200
2015Family runner 200 2015shopping runner 200
2015information runner 200 2015contributors runner 200