Wednesday, 29th February, 2012
Hotel Mandarin Oriental
1, Quai Turrettini
Know-it-all passport® is an avid supporter of the Alzheimer's Association of Switzerland (to date we have donated Fr. 10,000.- from the sales of Know-it-all passport). If you have anyone you know that is suffering from this disease, then please come to this event.
A talk on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias will be given by Professor Dr Gabriel Gold, Head of the Division of Geriatrics at Geneva University Hospital. Alzheimer Switzerland will be talking about services for English-speaking people in the Geneva area. You will learn about some facts and figures about dementia in Switzerland. This event is free-of-charge and is followed by a drink. To help organize the event, please register: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Click here for more information.

Association Alzheimer Suisse
Rue des Pêcheurs 8E
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
024 426 16 94
Alzheimer-Telephone hotline 024 426 06 06
Rue des Pêcheurs 8E
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
024 426 16 94
Alzheimer-Telephone hotline 024 426 06 06