The scheme is the latest initiative in a nationwide alert system for child kidnappings that has been in operation since the beginning of last year. There has been a huge demand for more to be done to alert the public and improve the chances of saving a child, following the abduction and killing of a young girl in 2007, and the murder of an older boy in 2009.
Only those who have subscribed to the service (for a registration fee of Fr. 0.20.-) will receive the new messages. You can register for the alert service by sending the following text "START ALERT (PC)" to "77777", where PC represents the post code of the area most frequented by the subscriber. (Example, "START ALERT 8000"). Alternatively you can enter your details on the following website: http://www.kidnappingalert.ch/Pages/Register.aspx
For further information visit the website: www.kidnappingalert.ch