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Every now and then, someone very special appears in your life. Linda Roser is one of those people. As a client of Linda's for reflexology (ASCA and EMR/RME accredited), I can highly recommend her. Read down to find out more about her and what she can do for you as well as a special offer.

What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is based on the zone theory (every zone on the feet/hands reflect an organ/structure in the body) and the flow of qi (pronounced “chee”) from the ancient Chinese belief for vital energy. Qi flows through each person and it is blocked when a person feels stressed. Reflexology is a gentle treatment method and an option for anyone seeking relaxation and stress relief. Reflexology aims to keep qi flowing through the body to keep it balanced.

In Reflexology, different body parts correspond with different pressure points on the body. Reflexologists use maps of these points in the feet, hands, and ears to determine where they should apply pressure. See the chart behind Linda in this photo.


As with any type of massage or practices that use touch, the reflexologist’s touch may help to calm the central nervous system. You will feel a relaxation and it can help reduce stress and anxiety, reduce pain, lift mood, and improve general wellbeing. But not all reflexologists are the same. I have been to many different ones and not found benefits to my wellbeing like those that I get from Linda. I wanted to share her story with you.

Why did you start? What has been the inspiration?
My journey into the field of medicine started with my nursing studies in Sydney in 1998. I felt passionate about western medicine and was impressed by its ability to cure the sick and the injured — and I still am. At the same time I realised that some treatments where very painful and that their side effects could have a big impact on peoples quality of life.

One day I walked past the Nature Care College in Northern Sydney and the smell of aromatherapy pulled me inside the front door. I was taken away by the nourishing energy the place gave off and started to look at their brochures. I instantly knew that I wanted to be part of this. I took home all their course descriptions and was intrigued by the precision of the zone therapy in reflexology: Body systems can be regulated and stimulated to find their natural balance by precise pressure applied to the feet, hands and ears. I signed up for an introductory course in 1999. This was the beginning of a long journey that took me all the way to a professional diploma in reflexology in 2001 and to the Federal Diploma in complementary therapy in Switzerland in 2018.


What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
My biggest wish is for western and complementary medicine to work hand in hand. I see great benefit in the combination of both approaches for clients with health problems. It is great to observe hospitals and other public health institutions start integrating complementary medicine and I have been fortunate to be part of some of this movement. But it will take time to make it common practice and there are many obstacles still to overcome. One of them is the lack of available funding and structure for reflexology research compared to multibillion-dollar giants in the medical industry. Big randomised studies are the standard for establishing credibility in the medical field. The field of complementary medicine has to continue to push to get the recognition it deserves.

What are your plans for the future?
Continue to grow and learn in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and to raise the awareness of reflexology in the population.

What are Australian Bush Flower Essences?
Australian Bush Flower Essences can assist in releasing and dissolving negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and balance them with positive emotions such as love, joy, faith, courage etc. We realise that emotional wellbeing is a major component of good health. Your personalized blend of flower essences is usually taken for two weeks at a dosage of seven drops twice a day.

button discount150As Linda Roser is ASCA and EMR/RME accredited, complementary health insurance reimburses some of the treatment cost. So instead, Linda has kindly offered to gift you a free Australian Bush Flower Essence Consultation with your first reflexology treatment (value Fr. 25.-). This offer is valid throughout 2021. Just let her know that you read this article when booking your appointment.


Linda Roser, Reflexologist, Registered Nurse
ASCA and EMR/RME accredited
3, boulevard des Promenades
1227 Carouge GE
078 736 07 15
