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Envision a world where age and aging are celebrated and people of all ages are recognized as valued, contributing members of society.

This is the mission of AgeEsteem®, an inspiring organization created by a local speaker, Bonnie Fatio, who works tirelessly and passionately to make this dream a reality for millions of adults who are struggling to cope with the aging process, and all that this entails.

Founded in 2006, AgeEsteem aims to provide all people with the vision and means to live their lives fully at every age with a positive attitude, using simple techniques and concepts.  Through her international workshops and seminars, as well as her blog and newsletter called “Aging with Pizzazz”, Bonnie has inspired audiences in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, all of whom are now spreading AgeEsteem throughout their communities and organizations.

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Married to a local Genevois, and living in Geneva for 48 years, Bonnie has been invited to speak at many local organizations, which include the UN, WHO, Career Women’s Forum, Versoix Library, American International Women’s Club, Expat Talents Connect and Lions Clubs.  See below for more details on workshops that Bonnie will be running in Geneva, throughout March and April, where you will learn all about how to look your best, and love yourself!

Bonnie explained more about the philosophy behind AgeEsteem to knowitall,  “My goal is to generate excitement and positive thinking towards maturing and growing older.  This dream grew out of my own search for continued confidence and commitment to live fully as I accept and embrace the fact that I am joining the ‘elders’ in a society that worships ‘youth’.   In fact the concept grew out of my own mini age-attack when I turned 60 and realized that I did NOT want to become one of “them”. You know who they are. - The older generation!”

She continued, “As I interview people from different cultures for AgeEsteem, it is clear that we all have concerns and fears about the challenges of aging.  Will I be able to remain independent?  How will others treat me?  What will I do?  Where will I live?  Who will be there for me? These are valid questions to consider as we project our future and imagine alternative scenarios, especially as expats.”

“In fact, time is on our side”, she added, “as we are living longer and healthier lives. Statistics tell us that the average American woman can expect to live until the age of 80.5 and the average man to the age of 75. Quite simply, this means that at the age of 60, we have nearly a third of our lives to look forward to!  We should be ready to enjoy this part of our lives as much if not more than our prior years.”

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At the heart of AgeEsteem’s philosophy is Bonnie’s belief that people should ‘LIVE’ today fully and feel comfortable and confident as the person they are at the age they are. By adopting this approach to life, people should be able to remain in control of their lives and “live well”.  To have personal age-esteem, people should recognize their uniqueness as well as their special talents and skills that will continue to evolve.  People who have acquired their own age-esteem are confident to share their qualities in meaningful ways and to contribute to their community.  

Bonnie concluded, “AgeEsteem provides each and every one of us the vision and means to live our lives fully at every age with a positive attitude using simple techniques and concepts. It is a fun, enjoyable and energizing program that motivates us as we grow older; motivates us to have a positive attitude as we guide ourselves to and through our golden years.”

“AgeEsteem focuses on celebrating age and nourishing your own attitude and image as you age rather than striving to be something you are not. It promotes the authenticity that comes with loving yourself at the age you are. AgeEsteem is the key to deciding what your real needs are versus what society trains us to perceive as needs.”

This approach certainly seems to have worked for 3 of Bonnie’s clients, at various stages in the aging process!

In her 40’s, Amy Balderson told us, “I can attest to the fact that people are not the same after they experience Bonnie. She helps everyone around her see the positive in any situation, and helps them feel good about themselves whatever age they may be.”  

In her mid 50’s, Debbie King said, “I attended an Age Esteem workshop last summer and immediately bought Bonnie Fatio’s book ‘Age Esteem - Growing a Positive Attitude toward Aging’.    Whether in person or on the written page, Bonnie is inspiring about approaching our later years with positivity and, as she puts it, pizzazz.  She is passionate about her subject and her can-do attitude is infectious.  Delivered with her characteristic warmth, insight and empathy, Bonnie’s workshop and book helped me to focus seriously on some key issues and instilled me with confidence for the future.”

But it is probably the hand-written letter we received from "almost 82" year old AgeEsteem follower, Alexandra Taylor, that sums up the AgeEsteem concept best. Also featured as one of the case studies in Bonnie’s book, Alexandra told us, “Bonnie chose the perfect word for her theme of aging.  It seems the highest possible goal for all who want to grow and attain the best of life’s benefits. Esteem your age and you will be esteemed! It works!”

In addition to her printed book, Bonnie has also published an AgeEsteem CD, and an e-book, called “7 Ways to Live Your Life to The Fullest Right Now”. Click here to download it FREE from her website, www.AgeEsteem.com.

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In spite of serving on the board of Legacy®, and acting as Global Ambassador of Women's Leadership of the World YWCA, headquartered in Geneva, Bonnie still has time to speak at numerous events worldwide. If you would like to find out how you can build AgeEsteem’s concepts into your club, company or organization, then why not invite Bonnie to speak? If you’re simply interested in discovering more about the AgeEsteem concept, then come along to one of her events listed below.

Bonnie Fatio

How to Look Your Best Every Day!
Presented by AgeEsteem and Style Intellect
Tuesday, 25 March from 18:30 – 21:30
Old Town Geneva
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details & registration.

Loving Your Age, Loving You!
Presented by AgeEsteem
Friday, 4 April from 18:30 – 21:30 and Saturday, 5 April from 9:30 – 16:30
Old Town Geneva
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details & registration.

postive attitude 100AgeEsteem: Positive Attitude Toward Aging
Click here for more information





LiveLifeToFullest-1007 Ways to Live Your Life to the Fullest
Click here to download the book from the AgeEsteem website