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If you are a new parent and are struggling to find how to fit into this new position in your life, then maybe Rachel Colin-Jones can help you. Rachel has started a new company, Our Parenting Journeys, and tells knowitall.ch, "My goal is to combine an evidence-based approach to parenting support that one can trust, with individualised compassion and care. Whether parents are looking for someone to help guide and prepare them as they transition to parenthood, just need reassurance and support in their role as a parent or are facing a specific parenting challenge; my qualifications, professional and personal experience mean that I have a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips that I am able to use to equip and empower them, wherever they are on their individual parenting journey."

We asked her to let us know about her and the idea behind this venture.

What has been the inspiration?
When I arrived in Geneva 2 years ago, I personally realised how difficult it was raising children away from family support networks. For me, this was compounded by not being able to speak French and therefore finding it hard to navigate the system and access services. As I was here longer, I realised that this is in fact many peoples experience and story. I also discovered that there seemed to be a real service gap in parenting support accessible in English. Given my professional background I felt that I had skills and experience that could be used to close this gap.

In August 2021 I conducted a survey with approximately 100 expat families, with the aim of understanding parenting support needs in Geneva and the surrounding areas. The results of the survey were clear – parents felt a lack of accessible parenting support and wanted this service. This was the start of the year long process of creating ‘Our Parenting Journeys’. The services we now offer are based on what parents said they wanted in the survey and what I know from my professional experience to be useful for young families.


What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome?
Two months after conducting the survey I had my second baby – it feels like I have had twins honestly – tending to my baby boy, while also growing my "business baby"". And I can’t forget also juggling my toddlers needs too.

What are your plans for the future?
We will be in Geneva for at least the next five years and in this time, I plan to continue to grow ‘Our Parenting Journeys’ – and to continue to adapt and evolve the services we offer in response to parents needs.

One of my dreams is that parenting support is available and accessible to all families regardless of their ability to pay. Currently we are set up as a social enterprise, offering some subsidised places based on a needs assessment. However, over time my hope is that ‘Our Parenting Journeys’ can incorporate more social projects and begin to offer more services to all families regardless of their ability to pay.

What is your favorite product you offer and why?
The antenatal course we are providing is the most exciting service for me – this is because it incorporates some very unique elements. Our course does not simply focus on birth preparation but appreciates that new parents are starting a huge life changing journey and require preparation for this transition to parenthood in a more holistic way. This course will prepare parents practically but also emotionally, relationally, and psychosocially for their new roles.

The course has also been written and will be taught by an amazing group of professionals including myself. We are happy to have a clinical psychologist: Dr Jo Mueller, a sleep specialist: Charlotte Patchell, and some local extremely experienced midwives: Laetitia Ammon-Chansel and Nathalie Luisoni. New parents will benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to their antenatal preparation.


The services Our Parenting Journeys provide
- 1:1 parenting coaching
- the transition to parenthood antenatal course
- baby group
- brain based parenting bootcamp
- parenting seminars

button OFFER150Rachel will also offer a 15-minute free consultation for parents to work out if she is the right person to support them.



Upcoming events
The antenatal course will start on the 3 September 2022
Parenting bootcamp starts on 13 September 2022

You can contact her through the following links.

Our Parenting Journeys
Rachel Colin-Jones
078 610 90 33
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