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If you’re heading off on holiday this summer and haven’t yet found anywhere suitable to leave your pet, then Buki’s Pet Paradise may be just the place you’re looking for.

Located in Lausanne, this small pet care and boarding “hotel” for cats and dogs was set up in March last year by local psychotherapist, Tania Goudas. Mourning the recent loss of her beloved English bulldog, called Buki, Tania was keen to spend as much time as possible with animals and found the perfect solution in Buki’s Pet Paradise!

Brought up in the USA with a home that had a big yard, Tania became attached to animals at a very young age and spent much of her time sneaking in small animals until her parents agreed to larger ones. She's owned dogs, cats, horses, bunnies, ducks and hamsters, and feels strongly that loyal animals provide a welcome refuge for humans.

Tania told knowitall.ch, “My most recent dog, Buki passed away at 10 years old from natural old age and I missed him SO much. I had my daughter a few months later and of course this helped replace the absence of Buki, but they are 2 totally different feelings. I thought that if I could create an animal care company, I would get to be around animals often but not have to own one (as I had a newborn baby, it was not feasible for me to think of buying another dog). So, Buki's Pet Paradise was also born!”

She added, “A friend of mine had a dog care company and was preparing to leave to Canada permanently.   She handed over some of her clients to me and I continued to grow the company afterward. The clients I target are mainly the expat ones because I can speak their language. In all honesty, they seem to 'spoil' their pets the way we do in the USA so we relate really well to each other.”


Tania provides pet care and lodgings primarily for cats and dogs but will also take in small animals such as guinea pigs and hamsters if required. For the cats, she will go to the owner’s home and spend about an hour each day feeding the cat, cleaning its litter tray, playing with it and generally keeping it company. For the dogs, she offers more care options. For owners that wish to have dogs stay in their own home and receive care, Tania will offer to stay with the dog in their home and sleep overnight there. She will feed and walk the dog and keep it company while the owners are out of town. If owners are away for long periods of time, Tania will also take care of watering plants, picking up mail, receiving packages and any other small tasks, at no additional charge.

A less expensive option is for owners to have their dog stay with Tania in her own home, where she will care for the dog, allowing it to sleep wherever the owner wants (even in her bedroom!). For both services, the dog receives general pet care, feedings, 3-4 walks per day and lots of fun! A nice touch, which sets Buki’s pet Paradise apart from many other pet care companies are the daily texts, which Tania sends to owners to let them know how their pets are doing!

In addition to her overnight services, Tania will also take in dogs during the day – the perfect service for dog owners who work long hours. If needed, Tania can also pick up and drop off the dogs at their home.  Buki’s Pet Paradise is located just across the road from Park Valency, so there is always lots of space for them to run  around and explore their surroundings during the day. Since Tania will only take on one dog at a time, there is no need to worry about potential clashes with other dogs in her care.

Before Tania takes on any new clients, she will have an in-depth interview with them (and their pet) to make sure she has all the necessary information and contact details in case of emergency. She is keen to build up a close relationship with all her clients so that they feel totally at ease while they are away or at work, safe in the knowledge that their pets are happy and comfortable in her company.  

discount-button150newAs a special introductory offer to knowitall.ch readers, Tania is offering first-time customers 20% off their first booking fee. Just quote this article when making your booking. Typically, dog walks and cat visits will cost Fr. 35.- each. 9-5 daycare starts at Fr. 60.- per day, whereas overnight care starts at Fr. 75.- per night.  Tania can provide full references upon request.

Buki's Pet Paradise
Tania Goudas
078 790 02 51