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2000feuilles station
Inspiring program of activities for kids includes 4-day Easter camp for 3 to 6 year olds!

Students at the bilingual Montessori school, Deux Mille Feuilles, in La Rippe are feeling very happy with themselves!

Aged 3 to 6 years old, they have just been awarded a European Space Agency prize for a model they built of the International Space Station!

The model was created during after-school care sessions, when the children playfully explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) inspired themes. These include observations and scientific experiments to understand the world around them. During the course of 6 weeks they discovered the topic “Space”, learning about the solar system, how the sun influences our seasons, gravity and, of course, Rosetta and the space station.

School principal, Cornelia Tosch, told knowitall.ch, “The children worked on the model with passion, contributing to the project in accordance with their age. While the younger children colored the flags, the older ones designed the station. You could see from their faces how much they enjoyed this learning experience!”

2000feuilles station2

The next topic for the after-school care program is the human body, followed by inventions, which everyone is looking forward to!

As if that is not enough excitement for the children, the school is also running an Easter holiday camp from 10 – 13 April 2017, which is open to all children, aged 3 to 6 years, regardless of whether they are enrolled at the school or not. With a range of creative activities based around the theme of “Spring in all its forms”, the camp will provide children with the opportunity to explore a range of scientific topics such as photosynthesis, using both French and English to communicate with their peers and camp leaders.

Open daily from 8h to 17h30, parents can register their children by the day (Fr. 110.- + Fr. 15.- Lunch & Gouter) or the whole week (Fr. 380.- + Fr. 55.- Lunch & Gouter). There is also a bus service from Nyon for those who need it. Click here for more information.

Deux Mille Feuilles
École Montessori Bilingue
Bilingual Montessori School
Route des Bois 2
1278 La Rippe
Vaud (near Nyon)
076 580 61 78
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Easter Camp
10 – 13 April 2017