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The world's oldest, biggest and possibly most famous international school marked its 90th birthday in style on Wednesday 17 September 2014, with the entire population of students and staff assembling on the three campuses of the International School of Geneva (Ecolint). All dressed in blue and white, the occasion was marked with songs, speeches and birthday cake for all.

It was an occasion for both celebration and reflection. Ecolint's Director General, Vicky Tuck, noted how much the world has changed in those ninety years, but said that the original vision of the school's founders - an internationally oriented child-centred education for peace - is as important today as ever. She joined in the celebrations on all three campuses and was later interviewed on the local English-language radio station, WRS.


Guest of honor
At La Grande Boissière, the Greek Theatre was filled to capacity with students from the Primary, Middle and Secondary schools - probably the largest ever gathering in that special location. The guest of honor was the school's first student and oldest alumna Loïs Meyhoffer, who received a standing ovation from the assembled students.

After the ceremonial cutting of the birthday cake by Mme. Meyhoffer, 112 white balloons were released, one for each class at LGB. They carried messages of peace on postcards inviting the finders to send their own messages of peace back to the students.


At Ecolint's newest location, the Campus des Nations, Peace Assemblies were held in both the new sports hall at Saconnex and at Pregny school. Students filmed video messages to be shown to their successors at Ecolint's 100th anniversary and in the afternoon there was a zumba flashmob featuring the whole Secondary school population.

Over in Founex, following separate assemblies for the Primary and Secondary schools, all of La Châtaigneraie's students and staff gathered on the football field for an impressive group photograph. They then spread throughout the campus to enjoy copious amounts of birthday cake!


The celebrations continue
The 90th anniversary celebrations will continue throughout the year, including many events and activities for alumni. You can view the full Ecolint90 program of events by clicking here.

International School of Geneva

La Grande Boissière
62, route de Chêne
CH - 1208 Genève
022 787 24 00

La Châtaigneraie
2, chemin de la Ferme
CH -1297 Founex
022 960 91 11

Campus des Nations

Saconnex Site:
11, route des Morillons
CH - 1218 Grand-Saconnex
022 770 47 00

Pregny Site:
14, route de Pregny
CH - 1292 Chambésy
022 748 14 50