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bsccaward2012 web

At the beginning of this month, over 150 business leaders and guests attended the second annual British-Swiss Business Awards in Geneva to celebrate the success of some of the British-Swiss business community’s most innovative companies in 2012.

Four organisations and individuals were recognised for their contributions to business success in Britain and Switzerland, including SkyWork Airlines who won the Company of the Year award. The Most Promising Business/ Entrepreneur category received numerous impressive submissions and was won by Made in Switzerland Ltd, producers of 1936 Biere who were commended for their innovative business model.  Guy Stevens from The International Comedy Club won the Unsung Hero award and King’s Kurry AG triumphed in the category of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Details of the 12 finalists can be viewed on the Business Awards website – www.britishswissbusinessawards.co.uk

The Judging Panel emphasised that the quality of entrants was uniformly high, showing a remarkable breadth and depth of entrepreneurial flair and commitment.  The panel was comprised of Dr. Diana Barkley, MD, FRCP, FMH, Pharmaceutical Consultant and Business Founder; Julien Guex, Vice Director of the CVCI (Chamber of Commerce of the Canton of Vaud); Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Kellerhals, Director of the Europa Institute at the University of Zurich; Professor Thomas Hoehn, Visiting Professor at Imperial College Business School London and Yvonne Geraldine Whittaker CBE.

About the British-Swiss Business Awards
The British-Swiss Business Awards were launched in 2011 with the aim of becoming the premier business awards within the British-Swiss business community. The mission of the annual Business Awards is to recognise the achievements of companies who have made an outstanding contribution towards bilateral trade and investment between the UK and Switzerland. The Business Awards are organised by the British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Lloyds TSB Private Banking.  Partners include World Radio Switzerland, So Money Productions , British Airways, Laurent Perrier and Rolls Royce.

British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce