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bscc award blacktie

The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) is delighted to announce the launch of the second annual British-Swiss business awards programme, together with Lloyds TSB Private Banking. The British-Swiss Business Awards offer individuals and organisations the recognition they deserve for achievements in the workplace.

Managing Director of the BSCC, Carolyn Helbling says, “In 2012, a year marked by considerable economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever for the BSCC to support the British-Swiss Business Awards and those companies who are making sterling efforts to overcome the twin challenges of austerity and growth. We are delighted to launch the second year of the Business Awards and look forward to recognizing the finalists on the 1st November in Geneva.”

Russell Galley, Managing Director of Lloyds TSB Private Banking says, “Following last year’s success and viewing the long relationship we have with the BSCC, we are very proud to once again join forces to recognise and celebrate those British-Swiss businesses who have gone the extra mile and showcased exceptional performance.”

Nominations are now welcome  for the following four categories: Company of the Year, Corporate Social Responsibility, Unsung Hero and Most Promising New Business/ Entrepreneur.

All organisations that meet with the Terms & Conditions are eligible to submit nominations – be they public or private, for-profit or non-profit, large or small. Entry is free and the entry deadline is 31st July 2012.

The 2012 awards will honour work since the beginning of 2011 and the awards will be announced on 1st November 2012 at the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues in Geneva, Switzerland.

Entry details are available at http://www.britishswissbusinessawards.co.uk. Tickets for the award ceremony will be available shortly.  

Contact Information:
Fiona Rhodes
Membership & Marketing Manager
The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce | Bellerivestrasse 209 | 8008 Zürich
Tel +41 43 443 06 81 | Fax +41 44 422 32 44
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.