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Every now and again you come across a person that you inspires you. Sunita Sehmi is one of those people. Sunita Sehmi, an Executive Coach, helps clients understand how to attain their goals and guide them to find the solution. Not only is the book full of her own personal anecdotes but invites readers to fill out the workbook pages as well. Sunita started writing for knowitall.ch back in 2012 with her first article, Is that what you really mean?, that has had a respectable 2,672 hits since we published it; other articles getting upwards of 40,000 hits! She has been a dependable contributor and has written over 70 articles! Congratulations to her for now publishing her first book, How to Get Out of Your Own Way

The book is punctuated by quotes and poignant thoughts and we asked her permission to add a few of them to this article (italics).

I think the most dangerous thing we can say to ourselves is “I have always been that way” or “I am too old to change.” These are auto discounts, self-traps that keep us stuck, wedged in the past. The way forward requires effort to implement, and the fundamental obstacle is our archaic reasoning. Hence, my profound wish is that you meet yourself in this book and come to some acknowledgement and acceptance of yourself.

What prompted you to do this book?
I wrote this book to democratise and demystify executive coaching. Often executive coaching is for top talent, the elite, etc.; I want to reach the other 99%.

Who is this book directed at?
Choosing the topic was easy for me I knew that being the only women in a meeting room was something I felt and my clients felt. Their struggles and stories are so powerful I had to share!

Do you have a favorite quote in the book? And if so, would you tell our readers why you chose it?
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. ~ Maya Angelou That has been my life long mantra.

Other extraits from the book that we feel well represents its contents:

You need to understand how to offer feedback effectively and model how to receive it productively. When you make a conscious choice to give and receive feedback on a regular basis, you demonstrate that feedback is a powerful means of personal development. Done properly, feedback need not be agonising, demoralising, or daunting—and the more practice you get, the better you will become at it. Indeed, the ability to receive feedback isn’t something we are skilled at, nor do we truly appreciate the power of it. It is a key practice and a formidable device for contemplation, change, and enhancement.

Working against the odds is hard enough, but one thing we need to do as women is to lift each other up and not criticise each other. That is the only way we are going to advance. When someone has your back, believes in you, and provides a safe place for you to thrive, who knows what you can do? Women are the future. We must not separate but celebrate each other. Find a female mentor, a female supporter, and absorb all the power and knowledge she can give you. There is plenty of room for us; we just need to take our space.

Most people will have some regrets. We all have a purpose that we came here to do. Yet most of us do not allow ourselves to heed to these internal dogmas. We only have one shot at life, and so we had better make the best of it. I often ask clients, “What are your favourite things in life? What inspires you? Which activities or people do you enjoy? What gives you energy and makes you happy?” Once they provide the answers, I encourage them to pencil in time for these activities despite their busy schedules.

SunitaSehmi HTGOOYOW

Have you been working on this idea forever, or was it something that came to you recently?
In 2017 I was asked to speak about Diversity and Inclusion as a keynote speaker. When I got up on stage I saw how my some of my old beliefs were still hijacking me. The next day I woke up and started writing this book.

Are you going to do another edition or a follow up?
My next book is called Longing For Belonging. Watch this space!

What are your future plans?
As I said I wrote this book to democratise executive coaching. So my aim is to empower women to help themselves and provide the tools to do so. In practice I will be doing speaking engagements and some pro bono work in India.


Upcoming events
Sunita will be at the RH Salon at Palexpo Geneva, at the Payot bookshop stand, presenting her new book on Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 16h-17h30. She will be doing a book-signing as well. https://evenements.payot.ch/evenement/sunita-sehmi-salon-rh/

competitionbutton1Sunita has kindly offered to give a free copy of How to Get Out of Your Own Way (Fr. 27.- value) to one lucky knowitall.ch reader. Just fill out this form and answer this question: How many books has Sunita published to date?

Only one entry per person and per email is allowed. The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday, 2 October 2019. The names of all those submitting correct answers will be placed into the digital hat and the winner’s name drawn at random on Thursday, 3 October 2019. The winner will be notified by email and his/her name will be added to this article after the competition closes.

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

By Sunita Sehmi
Archway (2019)
EAN 9781480876439
Format A5
212 pages
Soft cover

Payot link (book is sold at the shop location but not available through their website at this time)

Walk The Talk
Sunita Sehmi
Consulting and Executive Coaching
076 532 21 37
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

COMPETITION WINNER:   L y n d a   H e f f e r n a n