Full article with details at the link above.
- Hotel Cornavin
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Boulevard James-Fazy 23
1201 Genève
Underground parking at Cornavin train station. Many buses, trains, and trams arrive at the doorstep. The event will be held on top floor of the hotel.
18h Registration and welcome drink
18h30-20h Ten key factors which influence every student’s success with new languages
20h-20h30 Break with drinks and snacks
20h30-21h45 How children learn languages and Q&A
22h end
Click here to register for the workshop on Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 18h.
Includes welcome drink?, as well as drinks ? ☕️ and snacks ? ? during the break.
- EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT online before 23h30 on 15 December 2023
Fr. 85.-/individual, Fr. 135.-/couple (2 parents of the same family)
- ADVANCE BOOKING online before 23h30 on 17 January 2024:
Fr. 100.-/individual, Fr. 165.-/couple (2 parents of the same family)
Fr. 120.-/individual, Fr. 195.-/couple (2 parents of the same family). Please note that if you wait to pay at the door, there is a risk that you will be turned away if the event is full.
If you would like to have a private meeting with Tracey (can be in English or Spanish), you can discuss your individual situation with her. Appointments are booked in 40-minute increments at Fr. 165.-. If you would like 1.5 hour, then book 2 adjoining openings. First come, first served.
A private room will accommodate both parents to have a one-on-one meeting with Tracey. Please send in your family language situation and questions or comments prior to the meeting so your time will be used to its fullest. Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment.
Geneva - Thursday, 18 January 2024
9h-16h30 (40 minute meetings)
Fill out this form to ask for availabilities and register; please put your first and second option for the time slot. As spaces get booked up, they will be masked.