Soup and Ladders - the Geneva Escalade!
Saturday, 10 December: 14h-16h
Sunday, 11 December: 14h-16h
Time travel to 1602 as we unfold an extraordinary series of events which led, with unbelievable luck, to the defeat of Geneva’s longstanding enemy the Duke of Savoy and to the liberation of the City and Independent Republic of Geneva. We will unravel a few established facts centred around THE famous soup, keys, canons & ladders and celebrate of course this unique weekend where chocolate cauldrons full of marzipan vegetables, 'les marmites en chocolat', tempt us at each chocolaterie's window display. A little quiz completes our walk!
2 hour walk
Rue de la Monnaie, 1204 Geneva - near Visilab
Price: Adults - CHF 20.- CASH/TWINT/IBAN
Image source: Bibliothèque de Genève
Debra Kinson
All Around Geneva - Creative Guided Tours
Cultural & Tour guide
Member Geneva & Swiss Guide Associations
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