Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 9h Program in Le Boéchet
9h Craft market
Animation: Demonstrations with a blacksmith
Cheese making on a wood fire
Agricultural zoo
Wine tasting with the family Daniel Gass Mathod
11h Aperitif - meal - musical entertainment
14h30 Procession with 12 groups and floats
Fanfare Les Bois-Le Noirmont
Children in costume
Old tractor
16h Animation by the participants of the procession
17h Music with the accordion club of Tramelan
19h Sauerkraut supper
20h Music with the Zmoos family from Montsevelier
22h Grand ball with the Echo des Ordons
Heated canteen-bar-Free admission
Program Combe à la Biche Saturday, 8 October 2022
10h Meeting of the heifer owners
11h Musical entertainment
Alpine soup
12h Decorating the heifers and adjusting the bells
12h45 Departure of the herd and the accompanying persons
13h15 Stop at the Petite Chaux-d'Abel
Drinks organized by the Oppliger family, offered by the désalpe
14h Stop at Peu-Claude
Food organized and offered by the SED Les Bois
14h30 Arrival at Le Boéchet by the cantonal road
Start of the procession